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Topic: Minor Rant

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mikeylou avatar
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Subject: Minor Rant
Date Posted: 8/26/2007 9:33 PM ET
Member Since: 7/5/2007
Posts: 3,206
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Why oh why do people accept a book with the latest possible mail-date, then the day before it is supposed to be sent out, cancel the transaction??   [And now I have no idea why they canceled it, and I am curious!]

I swear, I've had about 6 of them this weekend.  Now I have to wait for people to accept again...  I think one of these books is on its 3rd or 4th request now.   *twitch*

<end rant>

I am so horribly impatient sometimes.

amgra2 avatar
Date Posted: 8/26/2007 10:09 PM ET
Member Since: 9/26/2006
Posts: 86
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I would be a little frustrated as well but what can you? I think people like this should reconsider posting books at all sometimes.

CrystalRose avatar
Date Posted: 8/26/2007 10:21 PM ET
Member Since: 3/1/2007
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That would get on my last nerve too. I realise sometimes life happens or something may have happened to the book but they could at least PM you and explain why they canceled. Hope you have better luck with your new requests!

KajunFriend avatar
Date Posted: 8/26/2007 10:56 PM ET
Member Since: 12/7/2005
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Sorry this happened to you. I can understand your frustration.