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Topic: NaNoWriMo

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Subject: NaNoWriMo
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 3:06 PM ET
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I am going to do this for the first time this year... Has anyone done it before? Just curious about the process. (

hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 3:21 PM ET
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I started doing it last year and plan to do it again this year.  I didn't write 50,000 words, but I try anyway.

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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 3:36 PM ET
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hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 2:30 AM ET
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Yeah I know exactly what you mean.  Sticking to it is the difficult part.  Good luck with it!

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 3:23 AM ET
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Good luck from me as well! :) I hope you reach your goal!

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Date Posted: 8/21/2007 1:20 PM ET
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I did it last year, and made it to 50,000. :) It's actually quite fun, even if it does get a little nerve wracking the last few days! ;) I'm planning on doing it again this year as well....Good luck to you!


~HannahBeth (Joy is my Mom)

jaylou avatar
Date Posted: 8/22/2007 2:12 AM ET
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never heard of it. but i plan to check it out.  good luck to the ones who are doing it.  i give you all cheers!!!

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Date Posted: 8/22/2007 2:50 AM ET
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I participated in this the past two years, but I only "won" in 2006.  It was a crazy month of writing (the word count averages to 1,666 words a day!), but in the end, I'm pretty pleased with my writing and what I was able to accomplish in such a short amount of time!

One trick that worked for me was I wrote my novel in first-person, which made it a lot easier to get inside the main character's head while telling the story I wanted to tell.  At first, I was worried that it was going to limit me, but in fact, it helped to sharpen my focus and not once during the month was I unable to come up with something to write . . .

I wish anyone who tries to take this on this year the best of luck!  Depending on where I'm at with my other writing projects, I may give it another go this year!

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Date Posted: 8/22/2007 8:52 AM ET
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I did it last year.  I never made it past 17,000 words in November.  But it got me started and now I have a 75,000 word manuscript and I am seeking representation for it.  Definitely do NaNoWriMo. 

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Date Posted: 8/23/2007 4:25 AM ET
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Ive never done this but in the past we have done challenges on this forum. Our main inspiration is no longer an active participant in the forums but if anyone would like to do a mini challenge just for fun I could start it. Its not as hard to do when you know friends are doing it with you. The goal was different for everyone, we set up our own. It was more about accountability than word count. By saying Im going to write 1200 words this month (I think that was the smallest goal) in the public forum here it gave a sense of needing to finish because others were watching and supporting.

I'll go do another thread just to see if anyones interested. I might even invite others in the "big" forums.

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Date Posted: 8/25/2007 11:46 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 7/3/10 12:45 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
swingsistert avatar
Date Posted: 10/3/2007 8:50 PM ET
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This is my third year as part of NaNo! The last two years I was in school, then had a crazy job - and didn't win. However, I did crank out a lot, and was very impressed with myself!

This year, I plan on winning! The biggest thing for me is to remember NOT TO EDIT! I'm trying to get a word count, not perfect grammar or plot line. My first year, I changed my plot in the second chapter!


hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/5/2007 5:35 PM ET
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I'm really excited to get started again.

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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 12:55 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 7/3/10 12:31 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 1:18 PM ET
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I'm trying this for the first time this year, after putting it off for the past three. I figure even if I don't get the 50,000 words I'll still do better than just thinking about it. :)

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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 2:07 PM ET
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Jazzynickel415 avatar
Date Posted: 10/9/2007 3:10 PM ET
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OMG this sounds like exactly what I need to get my creative juices flowing... A DEADLINE  LOL    For those who are doing this, I look forward to the updates!  :)

hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 9:52 PM ET
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I signed up last year and apparently it kept me signed up because when I went to sign up a few days ago, it said I already was. 

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Date Posted: 10/10/2007 12:28 PM ET
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Yes, I think it does keep you signed up from year to year. You can create a new account if you like, though, I think.

Bettyann avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2007 6:34 PM ET
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My first year too!  Have no idea at this point what I'm going to write about, as the rules say it has to be brand new, not a book you've already started before Nov. 1st.  I'm in the middle of a wip I'd like to finish, but won't be able to finish it before Nov. 1st.  A good book to read for this is "No Plot? No Problem," written by one of the guys who started Nano.  It's a great read, funny, clever, and filled with great ideas and tips.  I got it from our local library back during the summer and think I'll check it out again this week and do a refresher.  Good luck to us all!  Betty in TN

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Date Posted: 10/10/2007 7:44 PM ET
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starr4all avatar
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Date Posted: 10/11/2007 11:02 PM ET
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I signed up for this year.  I've never done it before so I hope I can do it this year.

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Date Posted: 10/12/2007 2:20 PM ET
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PaulaS avatar
Date Posted: 10/12/2007 5:59 PM ET
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I usually lurk over here and post more on the homeschool group.  I'm glad I lurked today.  I just signed up.  Apparently I was already signed up as well, but don't remember doing it.  Thanks for the tip. 

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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 6:20 PM ET
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Oh goodie! Another writer!!!! :)
