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The Eclectic Pen - Nature's Beauty (Haiku)

By: Diane D. (Inky)  
Date Submitted: 7/3/2007
Genre: Literature & Fiction » Poetry
Words: 9

  Nature surrounds us
Glorious in every way
Thank the Lord above

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Diane D. (Inky)

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Comments 1 to 6 of 6
Marta J. (booksnob) - 7/3/2007 5:35 PM ET
What a nice piece! Makes we want to go outside and take a deep breath (well, maybe not...too much humidity...)
Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin) - 7/3/2007 8:54 PM ET
This was really very pretty
Silvercat - - 7/4/2007 6:41 PM ET
Beautiful, Diane!
IONE L. (zaneygraylady) - 7/5/2007 7:18 PM ET
BARBARA D. (TINKER) - 7/8/2007 10:10 PM ET
Short,but to the point,that's the way it is tho, when you view the Lord's work,just look and wonder why some people don't believe
Alisha T. (yankeemom02) - 7/15/2007 1:26 PM ET
Very Real and True :)
Comments 1 to 6 of 6