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Topic: New Boxer

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4amigos avatar
Subject: New Boxer
Date Posted: 10/12/2007 7:47 PM ET
Member Since: 8/4/2007
Posts: 389
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I am new to boxing, secocnd day. When you view anothers bookshelf and do not find a book you want. Is it ok to decline an offer, even if they are requesting a book from you? I hate ordering books just so I can ship them the one they wanted? What is the best thing to say in the pm that shows up when declining?  Thank you for any help.

LibraryHelper avatar
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Date Posted: 10/12/2007 7:55 PM ET
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It is perfectly okay to decline. If there is nothing that you want then it's pointless to order.

I have declined and had offers declined since I became a boxer.  Just say something like, "Thanks for the offer, but your shelf doesn't have anything that I would like at this time"

CrystalRose avatar
Date Posted: 10/12/2007 8:02 PM ET
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It is totally ok to decline. I've had to do it as well a few times. Usually when I decline I try to be polite about it. I say something like.."Thanks for the offer but I don't see anything on your shelf I want right now. Maybe we can trade some other time. Take care :)" Welcome to boxing will love it!


Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 10/12/2007 8:03 PM ET
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Yes, you will! That person can still do a regular swap and you end up with a credit!  How badly do they want it???

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 10/12/2007 8:17 PM ET
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You will find that you will end up eventually with as many cancelled boxes as completed as time goes on. Whether cancelled by you or by the other member. You just can't do them all :)  There should be no guilt stigma attached to turning one down either. It just can't happen all the time. Welcome to boxing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!!

4amigos avatar
Date Posted: 10/12/2007 9:27 PM ET
Member Since: 8/4/2007
Posts: 389
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Thank you so much for the advice. It really helps! So far I have loved boxing and have just completed 5 swaps with books mailed out from both parties. Pretty exciting.