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Topic: New Fast - want to join me?

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L. G. (L)
Subject: New Fast - want to join me?
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 11:50 AM ET
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I propose next Monday - July 16th and shoot for 48 hours.  Anyone want to join?

I will be doing a fruit juice fast. :)


jennifert242 avatar
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 11:51 AM ET
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I've never done a fast before. What kind of juice are you drinking


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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 12:18 PM ET
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I use fresh juices that I get in the produce section of the grocery store - most are mixes like mango/peach or pineapple/orange, etc.  The ones I like the best are from Bolthouse Farms

 As long as it's 100% juice, you can use any kind. :)  You also don't have to use juice and can stick with water and/or tea, but I find juices to be easier.

jennifert242 avatar
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 12:59 PM ET
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yeah I've seen those juices before. Is this mainly for a detox or to drop weight or both?

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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 1:35 PM ET
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Fasts are mainly detoxes for most people; usually people lose weight, of course, butmost of the time it's put back on when they start eating again.

I might join you, as I haven't done one in a while (seven months?). Perhaps only for twenty-four hours, though... I don't understand how you can go forty-eight hours. >_> (In other words, I applaud you.)

iluvlibros avatar
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 2:08 PM ET
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Hmm. Interesting. I have been wanting to do a juice fast. I tried doing a fruit and veggies only day, but I was ravenous by the end of the day. Any tips on controlling the hunger? And do you just keep drinking juice when you feel hungry? Ok, and last question--do you blend your own juices or just buy them?

I think I'll try the juice fast with all of you, but I'm gonna have to go with Shelby on only doing 24 hours instead of 48. :)

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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 4:45 PM ET
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YAY L!!!!!!!!!

I was wondering if anyone would do this again!  I am GAME!!!  It has been a while huh!?  I think I will do the 48 hours, possibly 70 hours.  As I recall, the 3rd day was awesome!!! 

As far as controlling hunger, read, clean, walk, wander around the mall or park, pretty much anything BUT eat!  LOL  I will probably have juice at normal meal times but stick to water for the most part. 

Oh yeah, the less pulp the juice has the better for controlling hunger!!!  And remember you can water down your juice too.  So you are taking in less calories and will become less hungry. 

The first day is hard.  The second day is better and the 3rd day is the best if anyone wants to do one a bit longer!

Sweet!  Thanks L for starting us up again!  I look forward to seeing who jumps on board!!!



Oh, and if you want to, you can start regulating your diet a bit now so it will not be such a shock:  less caffiene, more fruits and veggies, and more natural things so your body has some good stuff to start with!  :D


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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 4:49 PM ET
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This link will give you some good info for anyone who is interested!  Google it too!



aowens83 avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 12:22 AM ET
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I'm so in! :)


iluvlibros avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 9:55 AM ET
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Thanks, Nora. Those are good tips! I'm excited to give this a shot.

Cileki avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 11:04 AM ET
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Ok, I'll give it a shot too.   *wonders if she can find chocolate flavored juice anywhere*

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 9:06 PM ET
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LOL@ Cindy and her chocolate-flavored juice!

Honestly, I wasn't all that hungry last time.  IIRC, I started feeling weird after about 42 hours and drank some vegetable juice instead of fruit juice which gave me some wicked diarrhea, so I had to quit at 48.  Otherwise, I could have gone 72.  I did lose 2.2 lbs, and kept it off.  Don't be surprised if you do get diarrhea because your GI tract gets completely cleaned out.  But it shouldn't be violent (sorry if this is TMI, but I figure it's better to know, up front.)  My plan is just to sick with fruit juice and tea, which is what I did before, and that worked well.  I don't mix juices, but you can.  I just buy the fresh juice mixes and use those.  The "green" ones are especially good since they usually have banana in them, which helps curb the hunger.

The idea behind fasting  is building discipline as much as it is for health.  I have been eating WAY too much food lately, so I want to re-prove to myself that I don't have to eat.  It just sort of helps me take control again.

Let's all check in Sunday night (or whenever you start) and try to check in every day there after.  This is going to be fun!!  Also, if you have more questions, post them.  I'm still pretty much a novice at fasting - but I think Nora is more experienced than I. :)


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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 12:59 AM ET
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So much fun to see you all jumping on board!  It really is an empowering experience.  I know that I do feel in control and confident when I fast.  My thoughts are more clear and I have great focus.  You realize during this time how much thought and effort and time it takes to eat throughout the day.  You will have that time to focus elsewhere and the energy your body uses to process the food will be free for other uses too.  It is best to go into the fast by eating good stuff before and remember you don't want a feast planned for coming out of it!  LOL  You want to ease your body back into eating with the proper foods.  This is a great way to kick start any diet or eating plan.  I bought a pretty purple water bottle, a large camping/hiking sized one, 32 ounces I think.  You may want to think about getting yourself one of these or something like it.  Something that you can carry around with you that will remind you and inspire you to stick with it.  They have some cute ones at the Dollar store!  :)

Good luck everybody!  I am looking forward to this!

L~  I think your veggie juice experience throws you right in the category of fasting guru!  LOL  But like you said, please post questions if you have any.  If I don't know the answer I will find it............. or I will make up something REALLY believable ;o) 

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Pattip avatar
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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 11:24 AM ET
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Nora I would like to try but could I do it? With my job and all, i read your link and it says dizziness, well you know how ditzy I am and not sure how dizzy I will get!

amys3boys avatar
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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 11:38 AM ET
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I'll try too.  Although I may only do one day - unless I start on Sunday. 

Question for anyone who's done this before---- are the water add-ins okay?  I know straight water is much preferred but would those be okay?

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 12:10 PM ET
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All natural is what you want to think.  As close to natural form as possible.  I would say add a bit of lemon or orange or lime juice to water and even a pinch of honey but as far as add ins, I personally would stay away.  I say this even when the Crystal Light Raspberry Ice add ins are one of my favorites too!  It is just for a few days, be creative!

Patti~  You may better want to choose a few days you have off in a row.  I had a major head ache the first day from lack of caffiene but it went a way after V8.  I never got dizzy but I don't think you want to risk it while working your job!  :D


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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 12:12 PM ET
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Cindy~  Chocolate flavored juice!!!  ROFL!!!

leshshel avatar
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 12:54 PM ET
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i will give it a try. i will be hung over most likely since my birthday is the day before but. lets do it.

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Date Posted: 7/13/2007 10:10 AM ET
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Welcome Michelle!  You may just want to start a day late!  Enjoy your birthday!!!  It would probably be easier on your body if you gave it a little time to rehydrate and stuff first.  I don't know though, I never did a fast after drinking so I don't know for sure!  Happy early birthday!

How is everybody else preparing?  They had a special on 100% juices at our grocery store!!  I bought a couple.  It is getting close!  No more that want to join???



Bonnie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/13/2007 12:26 PM ET
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I recall one of the other times we all did this, we counted our time say from 5 or 6 pm after supper.  That way when we reached the next 5 or 6 pm we were already counting 24 hours, rather than 12.  Pychologically, it really helps. 

I don't know if I will hop aboard this time, but I will give it serious thought.

Nora, where the heck have you been?  I even asked L about you!

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Date Posted: 7/13/2007 2:02 PM ET
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Bonnie!!!  You should hop aboard!!!  And yes it totally helps to wake up and know that you already have so many hours behind you! 

I have been hiding!  LOL  But you found me now!!!  :O

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 7/14/2007 4:24 AM ET
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I still use caffeine.  I am way too much of an addict to give it up.  I do stay away from artificial sweeteners, though.  I drink iced teas - flavored and plain.

Patti, another alternative you can do is the fruit fast.  It's a good way to get used to fasting.  Basically you limit yourself to raw fruit and fruit juices.  It's not  as rough on your system and you still get much of the cleansing effect that you would get from a true fast.

Yes Bonnie, I will be starting Sunday after dinner.  You get your first 8-10 hours as a freebie since you are sleeping, LOL!!

I have been starting to gear up by adding fruit and veggie jucie to my diet since Friday AM.  I will be buying my juices tomorrow and making a ton of iced tea on Sunday. :)

I really wish someone made one of those self-freezing slushie machines that you could use at home - you know the kind that makes an Icee?  (Or Mister Mistee for us old farts!!) The only thing I can find is either an ice shaver or an ice blender.  I want something that will freeze the liquid itself...


amys3boys avatar
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Date Posted: 7/15/2007 11:04 AM ET
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Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to pop in quick - I'm going to have to skip the fast on Monday I came down with a nasty stomach bug on Friday - I'm feeling better but my body is staring to tell me to eat just a bit so I don't think its the best time for me.  I'll keep my eye out for the next one though because I would like to do it - its just bad timing for me.

Good Luck to everyone!!!!

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Date Posted: 7/15/2007 12:22 PM ET
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No worries Amy!  I laugh every time I see your harry potter's bringing sexy back blinkie!  LOL  Feel better!

How about everyone else?  You ready for this?  I TOTALLY am! 

I am going to eat lightly today and drink a ton of water in preparation.  I am not looking forward to no caffiene but I have some tea if I can't hang!  LOL 



iluvlibros avatar
Date Posted: 7/15/2007 10:29 PM ET
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Hi ladies!

I see everyone else is getting mentally (and physically) prepared for the fast. I know I am! I already warned my bf that I may be a bit grumpy tomorrow since I won't be getting my coffee and chocolate fixes. haha! But I'm looking forward to it! I've also eaten lighter today to help me get ready.

And I definitely will be checking in here a lot tomorrow because I guarantee you I'll need some positive encouragement from all of you. This my first fast! :)

Have a great night!

