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Topic: New Preschool opening as a ministry....Needs books! Can you help?

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Subject: New Preschool opening as a ministry....Needs books! Can you help?
Date Posted: 8/25/2007 11:33 AM ET
Member Since: 1/1/2006
Posts: 91
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The preschool will be free for all attending and the teachers are volunteering their time.  I was wondering if people would be willing to donate a few books for this cause. 

The ages will be 1.5 to 4....

I am very touched as there was nothing like this when my children were that age.  PM me or post if interested.  I will see if we can send them to her church for the preschool attn so people would know that this is a legitimate request ;)

Thanks as always to a group of people who love to put books in the hands of others!


