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Topic: Notes From the Universe

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Raine avatar
Subject: Notes From the Universe
Date Posted: 4/30/2007 5:10 AM ET
Member Since: 12/1/2005
Posts: 232
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I get these and LOVE them! The note tonight really spoke to me, and I thought I'd share it:

Hey, Raine, what if, instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, we start living your dreams this week, to any degree we can?

     The Universe


If you would like your own, personalized Notes From the Universe, go here: 


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Date Posted: 5/1/2007 11:34 AM ET
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Thanks Raine, I love things like this!

I also really enjoy your posts, you are one of the few people not afraid to speak your piece.  Of course I usually agree with you, don't we always enjoy that:)

Cheers, Margaret

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 5/4/2007 3:52 AM ET
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Wow, Margaret! I'm blown away.
Thanks so much for your kind words. Everytime I start feeling like I've built a chasm between "me" and "them", someone does or says some nice thing to show me that I'm being silly, and there are no such things. There is only "us".
(You're going right to my buddy list! lol)

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2007 4:15 AM ET
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Tonight's was so awesome!

Have you ever just started talking out loud as if you were some future version of yourself, Raine, explaining what the ride to the top was like? As if you were a mentor sharing insider tips with someone you're really fond of? "When I first started out I had no idea of how I'd get where I am today..." kind of talk? You know, to yourself, in your car, in the shower, dowsing for water?

"But I knew better than to mess with the hows. Just define what you want, in terms of the end result. Visualize, as if it had already occurred. Take action, no matter how futile. Then, in time, 'Whoosh!' the floodgates finally burst open.... That's how I got my NEW Crown Victoria.

"And you'll think to yourself, as I now do, 'Whatever did I do to deserve this much?' But of course, deep down you'll know how easy it really was. So you'll wonder who in your life you can share your secrets with... "

Trust me, Raine, no one will laugh at you. Especially not when you be financially abundant.

Tallyho, amigo -
     The Universe


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Date Posted: 5/9/2007 5:32 PM ET
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Raine, you're too kind - lol.  Yes, I agree there is only "us", all fellow travellers on this journey.  But sometimes I wish the 3rd class ticket holders would keep their distance -ha ha ha!!

Love my notes from the universe, been getting them this week!  Have you ever checked out, it's another good place to visit.

Swap on, Margaret 

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 5/22/2007 4:35 AM ET
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LOVED this one tonight:

Just put yourself ahead in time, Raine, pretend that it's next month already, and imagine that the past 4 or so weeks just totally rocked. Every hope you now possess for the coming weeks has manifested. Every challenge was breezed through. Every cool person stayed cool, every trickster became an ally, there were happy surprises along the way, and, you got plenty of sleep.

This is how we do it.

Kung Fu -
    The Universe

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 5/23/2007 4:20 AM ET
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I'm really thinking I need to print these and make a (personal) meditation book of some sort.

As if, Raine, you weren't among the most important people who have
ever lived.

    The Universe

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/3/2007 4:50 AM ET
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Cool! When it's your b-day you get a special note from Mike Dooley:

"Saturday, June 02, 2007


Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu,

Happy Birrrrthday Dear Raine,

Happy Birrrrthday to Youuuu!


A few years back, not so long ago, heaven and earth erupted into a major celebration with the news of your impending adventure into this very time and space. You see, someone like Raine Miller doesn’t come along all that often. In fact, there’s never been a single one like you, nor is there ever ANY possibility that another will come again. You’re an Angel among us. Someone, whose eyes see what no others will EVER see, whose ears hear what no others will EVER hear, and whose perspective and feelings will NEVER, ever be duplicated. Without YOU, the Universe, and ALL THAT IS, would be sadly less than it is.


Quite simply:


You’re the kind of person, Raine,

Who’s hard to forget,

A one-in-a-million

To the people you’ve met.

Your friends are as varied

As the places you go,

And they all want to tell you

In case you don’t know:

That you make a big difference

In the lives that you touch,

By taking so little

And giving so much!


Raine, you are so AWESOME! For your birthday, friends and angels from every corner of the Universe, including buddies you didn’t know you had, will be with you to wish you the HAPPIEST of Birthdays and an exciting new year in time and space. You won’t be alone!





Orlando, Florida, USA"

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Date Posted: 6/3/2007 12:40 PM ET
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OMG, you are a Gemini?!  Knew I liked you, I am too.  Except I am jealous, Friday was my birthday (nyah nyah I'm on the 1st) and I didn't get a special greeting from the Universe.  But I did have a lovely day.   Congrats at finding a good home for a kitten, being just across the street you get to be Auntie and can still visit once in a while.

Happy Birthday for yesterday,


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/6/2007 3:52 AM ET
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Hey, belated happy b-day to you too!

I have *just* the gift for you- an adorable, cuddly kitten! :o)

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Date Posted: 6/6/2007 7:30 PM ET
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Raine, you make me smile!  Is that cute orange fuzzball your kitten?  What a love.  After my kitten (my baby) from last year, I'm not getting anymore to keep for a while.  That's why I still volunteer at the shelter, I get to play with 'em all, the kittens, the puppies.  The hardest fun I've ever had, ya know?  I have a Queen female, who's run the house here for 9 years and doesn't take kindly to strangers.  My other adult adoptee who is twice her size is terrified of her, it took 8 months and a move to get her to tolerate him.  Animals, sheesh!  I must get some of my critters pics on here.  BTW, I love your chocolate lab, have a soft spot for the labs, they are the gentlest dogs in the world.

Good thoughts, Margaret


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/7/2007 3:45 AM ET
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Hi Margaret,

The adorable, orange Hiro is here to stay. We still have his sis- L'il Miss LaLa who is the sweest little love in need of a home. We got a report on the baby adopted to the neighbors. Her new name is Star (fitting!) and she is terrorizing their adult female!

Chino the blind, one-eyed wonder dog is the best dog ever! We've had her 12 years, and she is absolutely a part of the family. At 13  she is pretty old for a Lab, and she has a bunch of fatty tumors so I do worry about her health. I promised her no more procedures at this point in her life so we watch her closely, shower her with love, and wait for her to say when her visit here is done. As long as she is playing, eating, and pain-free all is well. Amazingly, she doesn't have arthritis and her teeth are perfect.

I can't wait to see your critters!



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Date Posted: 6/7/2007 10:24 AM ET
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O.K. - I'm signing up today.  My birthday is on the 1st, too, Margaret.  Too many coincidences not to follow.  Love reading the thread.  Happy Birthdays, fellow geminis.

- Tracy


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/8/2007 4:44 AM ET
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You won't regret it, Tracy.

The one that came this evening hit home so close it was scary!

Happy belated b-day!

Bonnie avatar
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Date Posted: 6/8/2007 5:35 PM ET
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Raine, I get an error message when I click on that link.  Margaret, if you are here, thanks for directing me to this forum.


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/9/2007 2:14 AM ET
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Hi Bonnie,

Try just

That should work for ya.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 6/9/2007 8:29 PM ET
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Welcome, Tracy and Bonnie.  How great you are both here - oh yeah, there IS no such thing as coincidence, it's all planned.  Raine is the one who got this thread going, and it has been a source of uplifting messages for me.  Thanks Raine.  Hope you are having a spectacular weekend!  We are having wonderful weather here in MO, not too hot or humid yet, so I'm taking advantage of it and spending time outdoors reading!

Do you all know about the KS teen who was murdered here last weekend?  She was found not 2 miles from my house, it is so sad for her family and friends.  The event has caused all kinds of talk, the way such things do and I had a real flash of shifting my thinking because of it.  People go round saying stuff like "nobody's safe" can't even go to Target anymore"  (we also had a loony shooting people in a local mall with a Target in it, a few weeks ago) and usually we just nod or shake our heads sadly accepting the sentiment.  But I suddenly thought, hey that's not at all true.  What are the odds of being abducted or shot - astronomical !  And aren't most of our family and friends safe?  Yet we accept the negative, we buy into the worry, mainly out of habit I think.  Well, I am going to work harder on living up to the thinking of good thoughts and scrutinizing what "they" say before nodding my head sadly.  Just wanted to share that with you all. 

Blessings everyone, life is short - enjoy it!


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/11/2007 5:40 AM ET
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Margaret, you are right on with all of those observations.

As a mom of teens, I am very guilty of over-stressing every small thing. My kids think it's nuts so I go about justifying it. Truth is, it's fear thinking. There is a fine line between being smart, and being scared. With my kids I tend to run on the scared side, but I know I don't need to.  Smart, not scared.

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 6/27/2007 5:38 AM ET
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Where, and how, is everyone??

Roll call!

readergaltoo avatar
Date Posted: 7/2/2007 12:13 AM ET
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Hi Raine!~

Thanks for giving us the Notes on the Universe website. I just signed up with them. I wasn't sure that I'd be allowed here since my b-day is in April, but I do have Gemini rising. :) so we should get along just fine.


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 7/5/2007 5:29 AM ET
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Hiya Jan!

I'm so glad you like them. My hubby asked tonight if I'd gotten any good notes lately... seems he likes them too! :-)

You're certainly allowed, especially since you have Gemini rising. lol

readergaltoo avatar
Date Posted: 7/6/2007 10:42 PM ET
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I've started getting them by email every day. I look forward to them and sometimes go to their site if I need a "fix." :)

Raine avatar
Date Posted: 7/7/2007 3:45 AM ET
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I find I need to do that on the weekends... Go to and hit the generate a random thought button. It's kind of like Mental Morphine! lol

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Date Posted: 8/8/2007 8:52 AM ET
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Greetings all!  Yes - thoughts become things - mine just got me a job,  yeah!  Not just any job, but a DREAM job.  It's part time, which suits me fine right now, at the Unity HQ library.  The best metaphysical/religious library in the country, have used it for years.  And Unity Village is about the most beautiful place in the world, with fabulous positive energies, it's just 10 miles from home too.  How blessed can I be?  This all happened within a couple of days - wow, when The Power of The Universe moves, it really moves.

I'm working on Letting Go & Letting God, I'm here to tell ya it works!   Current mantra/affirmation: I step back and allow God's plan for my life to emerge & evolve. 

Blessings all,  many hugs to Raine & Cozette.


Raine avatar
Date Posted: 8/12/2007 5:52 AM ET
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Hiya Margaret and all,

I'm here off and on. I've been super-busy with work (eBay plus our business) and all that is involved in those endeavors.

Margaret, congrats on your super-exciting new job!! I appreciate you sharing your success with the new mantra. I'm thinking I need a little letting go and letting God myself!


