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Topic: October--What are you reading and ordering?

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achadamaia avatar
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Subject: October--What are you reading and ordering?
Date Posted: 10/6/2007 10:13 PM ET
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Didn't see this one yet, so I'll get it started :)

Already finished off Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier and Dove Song by Kristine L. Franklin (YA book about Vietnam.  Read it at my niece's prodding.  It was excellent!)  Now I've got too many good books and I don't know where to start.  LOL

I did start Ophelia's Fan and Mozart's sister today.  Mozart's sister caught my interest so I think I'll go with that.

I have the Dark Queen by Susan Carroll and A Singular Hostage by Thalassi Ali on order.

RainbowsEnd avatar
Date Posted: 10/6/2007 11:00 PM ET
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WOW! I literally just finished Beneath a Marble Sky by John Shors and all I can say is that it was absolutely incredible. I am immediately moving it up to my #1 favorite book of all time position! Seriously, check it  out people. I  just put it on my WL last week and was 62nd in line for it. I went to Half Price Books and found it for $4 and went ahead and bought it. Boy am I glad... I'll be hard pressed to pick my next book since I know nothing could possibly equal it....

jas avatar
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Date Posted: 10/7/2007 12:33 PM ET
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Just started The Palace Tiger (Barbara Cleverly), a mystery set in 1920s India. (I got sick of waiting on the WL and was able to find a remaindered HC for just a few dollars.)

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Date Posted: 10/7/2007 8:06 PM ET
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I am reading "Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling".  On order is "The Secret Supper" and "The Last Days of Dogtown".





lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 10/7/2007 10:49 PM ET
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Just ordered my first Jasper FForde book.  Just got done reading The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green by Joshua Braff (Zach Braff's brother.)  It was FANTASTIC!!!!

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 3:12 PM ET
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I'm reading Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross...just started it, in fact. Also reading some non-HF stuff (fantasy and mystery.)


mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 4:36 PM ET
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I just started the third "No.1 Ladies' Detecive Agency" book, a friend of mine loves them and loaned me several of them.  I just finished "Love Walked In" by Maria de los Santos

achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 9:56 PM ET
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Mimi I've read the first two No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books.  I just love them.  I read cozies and these are bit different than the usual fare.  I really like the main character.  She seems like she'd be a riot.

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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 1:16 AM ET
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Yeah, they are quick reads and she is lovely. 

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/9/2007 9:01 AM ET
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I've just finished The Wreck of the Medusa: The Tragic Story of the Death Raft by Alexander McKee. This was a horrible story - One arrogant ship captain caused horrifying deaths for many people. It was a great read though.

I just started The Custom of the Sea: A Shocking Tale of Shipwreck, Murder, and the Last Taboo by Neil Hanson. I'm stuck on historical stories of the high seas right now. Must have been a sailor in another life. ;-)

I'm also reading The Shakespeare Stealer Series by Gary Blackwood. This is a young adult novel, but the salesperson at Books A Million said she read it and really enjoyed it so I bought it. Plus, it was only 2 bucks and is wishlisted. So far, I'm enjoying it, but the book is huge - it's actually three books in one - about 700 pages. It's going pretty quickly though.

achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 10/12/2007 2:35 AM ET
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I finished Mozart's Daughter by Rita Charbonnier.  I must say it was one of the best book I've read this year.  She really made Nannerl come to life.  At the end, is a small piece on Mozart and his sister which she based the story on.  It's just a fascinating story!  I can't imagine what it would have been like to be a woman with a special talent before, say, 1900.  To have that creative spark or whatever and be told that you cannot express it must have lead many women to very dreary and depressed existences.

FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/13/2007 5:50 PM ET
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I auto-requested a book last night from my WL I thought would take much longer to show up: A Needle in the Right Hand of God: The Norman Conquest of 1066 and the Making and Meaning of the Bayeux Tapestry.

I have so many great books here, I'm having a hard time choosing what to read next!

RainbowsEnd avatar
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 12:26 AM ET
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I just started reading House of Dreams by Pauline Gedge (published as Lady of the Reeds in the US). I am only on chapter three, but it is really good so far.

FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 12:23 PM ET
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Two more WL books came through for me today: Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale and Now Face to Face by Karleen Koen. Lucky for me I just mailed three books with online postage (instant credit!) and I'm waiting for two more to be scanned for DC.

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/16/2007 8:50 AM ET
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I got a wishlist book yesterday - The Reluctant Queen by Jean Plaidy!!!

Thank you,  oh so very kind, most marvelous and rockin PBS member who posted it!!!

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/16/2007 9:02 AM ET
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Oh, I forgot about a very cool book I found while browsing a newbies shelf -

Marie Antoinette and Her Son by L. Mulbach (A novel)

I was so excited to find this one! It was originally published in 1867 and then translated into English in 1905. The copy I have is a hardcover that is in beautiful condition; might have to keep this one. I even like the way the book looks - it's so small for a hardcover. It's a pretty thick book, but it's only about 7 inches tall and about 5 inches wide. It's just too cute! LOL I love really old historical fiction. The language used seems more authentic to me. I think this book might be my best PBS find! Okay, enough gushing about this book. ;-)

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Date Posted: 10/16/2007 12:44 PM ET
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Valli, I will be mailing your copy of The Reluctant Queen in the next day or two. I'm glad you snagged it since I've gotten so many good books from you!

I am happy to be called "most marvelous." ;)

Last Edited on: 10/16/07 12:45 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/17/2007 7:41 AM ET
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Well, who wouldn't enjoy being called most marvelous?! In fact, that is how I make my husband and son refer to me.  I just ignore the rolling of their eyes as they say it. :-)

Take your time mailing! No rush!

reader avatar
Date Posted: 10/17/2007 11:13 AM ET
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Thanks Valli I put                        Marie Antoinette and Her Son by L. Mulbach (A novel) on my wishlist

RainbowsEnd avatar
Date Posted: 10/20/2007 11:19 AM ET
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I finished two books this week. House of Dreams and House of Illusions by Pauline Gedge. As I said before, House of Dreams is the Canadian title of Lady of The Reeds, and it was incredible! House of Illusions is the sequel and it was just okay.


I started The Argonautica by Apollonius of Rhodes last night, the story of Jason and the quest for the Golden Fleece. I have to say, it's a pretty difficult read and I'm not really getting into it like I thought I would, but I like to try to mix the Greek and Roman classics into my reading since I am studying Ancient history in college.


I think I will read Medea by Christa Wolfe after I finish it to get an alternative perspective on Medea, Jason's wife.

lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 10/21/2007 10:29 AM ET
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Just started reading Nefertiti by Michelle Moran.  Have also recently read The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns which I both LOVED.  I've also snuck some non hf in recently, too.

tangiemoff avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2007 10:53 AM ET
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I just finished The Nature of Monsters by Clare Clark. It was pretty good, a little dark and disturbing, but there is nothing wrong with that.

RainbowsEnd avatar
Date Posted: 10/21/2007 11:37 AM ET
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Oh Michelle! Let me know if Nefertiti is good! I have had it on my WL forever and have been stuck at 10th in line forever! Also let me know if you plan to make it available to "Post to Others WLs" because I would LOVE to have it LOL!

RainbowsEnd avatar
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 9:09 AM ET
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I started Good King Harry by Denise Giardina last night. It is really excellent so far. I can tell that it is going to be a great book.

mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/25/2007 2:08 PM ET
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I've read that, Jennifer. It was good.
