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Topic: Oddity with the "On My:" phantom posted book-- have you seen this???

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Linda S. (thk) - ,
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Subject: Oddity with the "On My:" phantom posted book-- have you seen this???
Date Posted: 5/18/2009 10:55 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2006
Posts: 317
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Once in a while when I look at a book entry, the "On My: will say "Bookshelf", but the book is not really posted to my Bookshelf.

Do you recall that ever happening to you?

Best I can remember, it only does this when other "places" are listed as well.  For example, the "On My:" might say: "Transaction Archive, TBR, Bookshelf."  But the book is really only in my TBR and Archive.   Possibly this happens for books that were at one time on my Bookshelf.  I don't really remember.


sarap avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2009 1:00 AM ET
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When you receive a book, the default behavior of the interface is that it puts the book on your Bookshelf (on hold) and it puts the book on your TBR list. Unless you unclick those options when you receive, the book _is_ on your bookshelf (just not available for people to request).

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 5/19/2009 7:24 AM ET
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I've never had that happen that I've noticed. You did check your bookshelf to be sure the book is not there, not even on the "hold" status that Sara mentioned? I know I've forgotten to click the dropdown option button to "yes" to remove a book from my shelf a couple of times. If it's not there, maybe it's leftover from some glitch and you might want to let PBS team know using the contact button.


thk avatar
Linda S. (thk) - ,
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 5/19/2009 8:00 AM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2006
Posts: 317
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I think Sara's explanation is the correct one. 

I went through some of  my Transaction Archive entries, for books I had received through PBS.  Thay all show on my Bookshelf.  (I never delete books when I mark them Received). 

It seemed "new" to me since the on-hold status for the Bookshelf is a relatively recent update.

Thank you, Sara.