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Topic: Any one out there using My Father's World Curiculum?

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CalicoKat avatar
Subject: Any one out there using My Father's World Curiculum?
Date Posted: 7/17/2007 11:08 PM ET
Member Since: 7/17/2007
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I just started swapping books so this is all new to me. But I'd love to look at your bookshelf!




aspengrovehomeschool avatar
Date Posted: 7/18/2007 9:41 AM ET
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Not sure what books are in that curriculum but I have lots and lots of books on my shelf that my be in there for you to use.


PaulaS avatar
Date Posted: 7/18/2007 10:11 PM ET
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I will be My Father's world for the next year 2008-2009.  We will be using ECC (exploring countries and cultures).  I have found most of the book for that package are not posted and are on wish lists. 


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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 12:39 PM ET
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Just thought I'd say Hi!

My name is Genet and I am using MFW 1st grade!

Isn't is awesome stuff???

I have found a lot of the book basket type books here. Not so much of the curriculum books . . . . .but then the books for 1st grade aren't even in our library! And we have a big library . . . .like the Come and Look  art books and the Drawing with Children and the Victor Bible books . . . .

They seem hard to come by everywhere! But I figure no harm done . . . .if I don't find them here. I have lost nothing just by posting.

But I am so pleased with this site .. .its helping me declutter my house without just "giving away" stuff. I get books in return. I have even found books here for  Me!

Sorry I don't have more MFW books on my shelf . . . .we are just starting! It WOULD be great if a whole bunch or MFW'ers joined and just swapped!



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Date Posted: 7/22/2007 3:25 AM ET
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 About a month ago (?), another PBSer was looking for MFW books (just the reading books, not curriculum).  She listed the ones she needed and I was able to send her 3 of the ones on her list.  I am not familiar with particular titles for MFW, but if you could let us know which books you need, I'm sure someone would be able to help you out.

= )  Jori

btterflykisses avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 1:18 PM ET
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I have used MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures and also Creation to Greeks.  I know for me, I am selling my curriculum as sets on a used curriculum site.  I usually sell so I can purchase more items for the next year.   Most of what I need for MFW curriculum is WL'd.



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Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:19 AM ET
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We use MFW !!!!



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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 7:14 AM ET
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I haven't heard about MFW until this post...I looked at their website, and it looks really neat! 

I was wondering for those of you who have used MFW as well as other curriculum(s) your thoughts on how it compares...I would really appreciate it!

Angie, which year are you selling?  Which site are you selling it on?

btterflykisses avatar
Date Posted: 7/26/2007 2:54 PM ET
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I just sold Exploring Countries & Cultures and Creation to Greeks is pending.  I usually sell MFW on the MFW yahoo swap site

I am going to sell all of my Rod & Staff and Chirstian Light on Veg Source, Well Trained Mind Swap, or ebay.  I am selling everything as I am unable to continue homeschooling due to my chronic pain.  It is breaking my heart, but it is what I need to do for my children.