From the first moment I saw you I knew in my heart you were the one. When you looked at me with your soft, brown eyes And smiled as you bent to kiss me, You sent me reeling. You made me feel like no one ever had before. Just your presence made my pulse race. I loved you with all of my heart and soul. As the years went by Things seemed to change. You didn't look at me the same. You grew distant from me. And, although I loved you even more It didn't matter. The wedge between us had been placed And there was no removing it, No turning back. So here I am, sitting alone Not knowing if we're really over. Hoping and praying that I can Remove the wedge and once again Have you love me as you once did. My heart no longer pounds when I think about you, for it has Shattered into many pieces. How would I go on without you? You are my life, my strength, My reason for being. Without you, I am nothing. An empty shell with no spirit. A flame without oxygen Which, at any moment, Will flicker and burn out Never to re-light again. |
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