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Topic: Any opinions on these books?

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Lambie avatar
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Subject: Any opinions on these books?
Date Posted: 4/14/2009 2:04 PM ET
Member Since: 6/29/2008
Posts: 27,081
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I'm sure there are lots of opinions around here LOL, but specifially, has anyone read the books by  Matthew Braun?

I'm particularly interested in his books about Tombstone, Doc Holliday and the old west.  Are they worth reading--meaning, based

on fact or or they mainy ficitonal?

How about Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal by Stuart Lake?  I've read mixed reviews on this one.

I'm open to suggestions (or deals) on other books you've enjoyed.

Old west, holocaust, medieval,  Ireland, Japan

Tinplate avatar
Subject: Historical fiction
Date Posted: 4/16/2009 1:51 AM ET
Member Since: 4/13/2009
Posts: 7
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One of the best on the indian wars is Terry C Johnston. He has a character that he follows thru the different ones. Some of them are so real you can taste the dirt and smell the powder. As someone who reads a lot about the west and the great people who helped shape it, I'll get some recommends from my library if intrested.