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Topic: order another one

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pondfrogs avatar
Subject: order another one
Date Posted: 8/14/2007 11:02 AM ET
Member Since: 6/13/2007
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yesterday I had several books ordered (Yaa!)  and I printed out  all the mailing stuff/packaged them up in their envelopes and then realized that 2 were going to the same person.  ugh, I know it's my fault for not paying closer attention before it was packaged but it got me to thinking how nice it would be if somehow a message or something came up on your acct page to give you reminder before you print  that you have more than one going to the same person.

also,  I ended up packing the 2 envelopes inside one (to save on postage) and jsut used one of the del conf.    I know that I won't get quick credit for one of them till it is marked as received. is there another way to do that?


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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 11:29 AM ET
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If you send them together there is no way to get both scanned.

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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 11:30 AM ET
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I really wish there were some way for the site to tell you, "These are going to the same person, would you like to print a single label?", before you print ... and, on the other end, "These books are all coming from the same sender, would you like to mark them received with one click and one survey?"

LuvMyPaps avatar
Date Posted: 8/14/2007 2:33 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/20/09 8:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 2:38 PM ET
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Yes, I'd like to see this, too.  I printed and paid for two DCs when only one was needed.

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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 2:45 PM ET
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I wonder what criteria the site uses to auto-combine for 'bulk labels' -- I've had it give me that option sometimes, but not very often, and sometimes even when I click the 'order more from member' button (say, on a wishlist book that got autorequested), and order two more books from that sender, THEY don't get a bulk-label option.

I usually do PM them to let them know it's all me, though, just as a head's-up.

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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 3:13 PM ET
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I have to chime in here and also note that I would like the feature to combine label for multiple shipments going to the same place.  I have had this happen several times now.  The first time, I sent them separately and ate the extra postage costs.  The next time, I found out about pre-printing label without DC first to see where they are going then going back and reprinting with DC added.   No way to get the quicker credit for the add'l books packed with the one with DC label, but at least I can save some money on shipping.

I just have to remember to print the labels first without DC to find out where they were going.  It would be soooo very much easier if there was a flag or notification to let us know that multiple books are going to the same place.  And to let us print a bulk label.  I've never gotten the option for that, although a member told me to look for it and I tried to find it but it didn't exist.

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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 3:38 PM ET
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The only way you can combine books in a multiple shipment if the requester clicked "order more from this member" when making the first request.  Then you have a choice to print a bulk label.  If the requester orders separately, you have to print both labels, but you can mail the books together; just don't use the second label.  Remember to mark then both mailed.  However, if you are sending with DC, only one book will give you the "quick credit", but you will receive the 2nd credit when the receiver marks it received.



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Lisa N. (LDN) - ,
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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 3:46 PM ET
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When I have multiple requests I open all the "print wrapper" screens before I actually print any of them.  That way I can look at them to see if any of them are the same requester.  You'll have multiple adobe windows open, but you can click through them easy enough.

LibraryHelper avatar
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Date Posted: 8/14/2007 9:58 PM ET
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I'm sure multiple requests were indicated before the site upgrade. I can remember printing off one wrapper for more than one book.

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Date Posted: 8/15/2007 12:02 AM ET
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They're still sometimes indicated, but I can't figure out the pattern. I know there've been times when I clicked 'order more from member,' pm'ed them to let them know, and the site hadn't offered them a bulk label. However, I know I've gotten two since the site-changeover where the site did explicitly offer me a bulk label -- and the DC # for the whole shipment got me credit for all books IN the shipment.

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Date Posted: 8/15/2007 12:17 AM ET
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The only pattern right now is if a user clicks "Order more from this member" Alot of people don't know about it.  Also if they were wishlist requests they are not combined.

At one point I had put the suggestion in that when a request comes in, if the label has not been printed and the addresses and usernames are identical, it should automatically combine the order into a bulk book order.  I was told eventually they might look into it, but currently they are busy working hard on the new wishlist.  Maybe one day it will magically appear.

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Date Posted: 8/15/2007 12:42 AM ET
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I've also been the one requesting more than one book from the same person, and not realizing it until the books were in the mail.  I wish I had the time to check the "Order more from member" option every time but I don't - my reminder list is way too long!

So I wish we also had a red flag come up that said "This member is also first in line with the following books from your RL".  That way I would know to do a bulk order, and wouldn't mess up the FIFO system.

But, alas, that is just a dream, I know...


pondfrogs avatar
Date Posted: 8/15/2007 2:44 AM ET
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that happen.   that is a good idea tho' to click to print first without del conf  to see if they are going to the same person.  I'll remember that.