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Topic: Just out of curiosity...

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DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 1:49 PM ET
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deltatiger avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 3:54 PM ET
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Apparently it is a very rare book with high demand.  I would never pay that much for any book.

DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 4:01 PM ET
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DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 1:55 PM ET
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 7:04 PM ET
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Altho' there is often some serious weirdness goin' on @ Amazon - you'll see one or two books priced waaay higher, sometimes in 3 figures, than the  others!!  I've often though about emailing and asking the sellers what the *ell - do I get a watch with this book?  There must be something to it or they wouldn't keep pricing like that.

Cheers, Margaret

krisbooks avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:01 PM ET
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Once I found a paperback book that I had heard DH talk about at a jumble sale for 50 cents.  When I brought it home his jaw dropped, because apparently he had never seen it available on Amazon or the like for less than 50 dollars.

Last Edited on: 7/23/07 9:01 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Doughgirl avatar
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:07 AM ET
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A lot of times that is because the book is no longer in print and therefore hard to find.   That will drive the price up FAST. 

Zachaustlily avatar
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:54 AM ET
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patricia Briggs commented on this on her website. I'd love to get hold of the books but I refuse to pay such a high price for it.

Some time ago, Patty signed a contract to rewrite her first book, Masques and combine it with it's unpublished sequel Wolvesbane. Masques is currently bringing absurd prices on the collector's market, and there are some people who are blaming it on Patty! Her publisher has made it clear that the newer contracts take precedence over this one. The sad fact is that the earnings on this project are expected to be pretty minimal, and that's what drives the decision-making. Patty's going to try to squeeze it in somewhere, but there's no time-table for it at this point in time.

deltatiger avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 1:20 PM ET
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I always check for used book prices before paying more than $2 or $3 for a used book.  I've found books there for $20 that are going for $50 or more at Amazon.  It's a great resource, expecially if you like out of print books.

In this case, the cheapest they had that book listed for was $178 at 

Criskat avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 6:37 PM ET
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I have a book on my WL that for whatever reason sells at amazon for over $60. It's a PB, printed in 1978 I think. I would love to read it again, but no way will I pay that kind of money for a PB book that is 30 years old! LOL So I just keep hoping that someone finds it at a yard sale/book sale, goodwill or something and posts it. Course I'm not the only person wanting it but it's just a handful of wishers.

Dogdoc avatar
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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 4:09 PM ET
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Don't give up on it, Kathi!  I picked up an F. Paul Wilson book here that's been out of print for years.  The Christmas before I found my copy here, I bought a copy for my brother at Amazon - twenty five dollars and my copy from PBS was in better condition!  He loved it, though, so it was all good.  :)

Criskat avatar
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Date Posted: 8/20/2007 5:21 PM ET
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I didn't give up and guess what?  Someone pm'd me about the book and was having problems posting it thru her bookshelf so she posted it to my WL!! I recieved it a few days ago. Amazing it is in really great condition for the age! I am kind of ambivilent about reposting it when I am done because I have looked for this book for years. LOL We'll see after I've read it. I know it's on other people's WL but I don't want to post it and then see it on Amazon or Ebay. I would be really mad about that. LOL

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/20/2007 7:55 PM ET
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Another place to look is ABE Books. They have thousands of booksellers and so far Ive found all kinds of stuff. Most of it for a dollar. Of course the shipping kills me.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 8/21/2007 5:24 PM ET
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Alot  out-of-print Star Wars books are going for $70 plus on Amazon. I got all the ones I was looking for but one from here.