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Topic: Just out of curiosity..

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Subject: Just out of curiosity..
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:13 AM ET
Member Since: 7/23/2007
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Yeah, I'm new (hi!), and this is probably a silly question, but..

In just over a week since I started my account I've sent out 9 books, which is really great because there's tons of books I want to order.. do books always go out that fast?



Leeankh avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:56 AM ET
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Hi and welcome! I find that my shelf moves in waves. One month, I'm wrapping so many orders that I consider putting my shelf on hold so I can have a break and the next I can see the tumbleweeds blowing by my shelf. I think you had a really good start but not an unrealistic one. It really depends on which books you posted, how popular they are, how many copies are already in the system and just a slew of other factors. I'd say, sit back and enjoy it! Maybe it will last, maybe it won't. Either way, I'm sure you'll have fun and soon find yourself as addicted to the site as the rest of us!

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 1:56 AM ET
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Not unless you always buy and read books that are on the WishList :)

Hi, Russa! Welcome to PBS! I'm so glad you found us. You will be addicted to this place in no time flat. You've got a nice shelf with some good variety.

Spend some time reading the Help Center, so many questions are answered in there. It is really full of good stuff. I'm glad you got hit with lots of orders to get you started, and hope the rest of your books continue to move well.

Again, welcome!!! :)

vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 3:44 AM ET
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Welcome to PBS Russa, I'm glad you have had a wonderful start!  I have had the same experience as Leeann, some weeks I send out alot of books and some I don't.  Sherry is quite right too, if you post alot of wish list books those move very fast.

Enjoy your membership, it sure sounds like you are off on the right foot.  Maybe because the day you joined was my birthday!!  :)

Kylee-CT-mom avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 7:42 AM ET
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My shelf also goes in waves.

Doughgirl avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:06 AM ET
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Yup, it totally depends on the books you have posted.  If you have posted unique books that are in demand (maybe even wishlisted), they will be snapped up fast.  Others, like the James Patterson book you have on your shelf, already have hundreds of copies in the PBS system.  So that book will probably be on your shelf for a looooong time  (but don't pull it off your shelf - it will eventually get taken).

harmony85 avatar
Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:36 AM ET
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Hi Russa!  Glad you joined-you'll have a great time! 

My requests are pretty steady-I usually get 3-5 requests a week, but I also usually have 200-300 books on my shelf, and when I go on book hunts, I try to find books that I don't see on here often.  I like to get variety.  I also notice if I participate on the message boards and post reviews, my name will get out there more, and that helps make my shelf more available.   I also advertise on Book Bazaar sometimes and read all the messages I can about people looking for certain books-if I have what they want it's almost a guaranteed credit there.

My shelf is low right now because I was gone on vacation and put it on hold.  When I got home I cleaned it up...but, while on vacation, I hit  tons of yard sales and have over 100 books to add on, which I plan on working on yet this week!   Anyway...even with a lower amount of books than usual, when my acc't was opened again, I got 6 requests! 

It's so much fun to find books you think others will enjoy on here, and fun to get requests from all over the U.S.!   You will probably become a rabid addict like so many of us on here-myself included!  :o)

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:05 AM ET
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I find that whenever I post a batch of new stuff to my shelf, I get a bunch of orders. Not just because of wishlisted books, though of course that's a factor; some people like to browse the 'what was JUST posted?' listings, and order from them. Sometimes they will then order more than one book from your shelf, or the 'new' book will get them in and looking and then they'll order one of your 'old' ones.

BondGirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 12:15 PM ET
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My too goes in spurts.  I think a lot will depend on how often you post in the forums as well.  It does help, but is not a requirement.  A lot of times the posters who are here quite frequently will peek into your bookshelf every now and again. 

Welcome aboard.  I hope you enjoy your new playground.  Don't hesitate to ask questions. 

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 4:04 PM ET
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Wow! Thanks for all of your responses! They answered my question perfectly :D

Only 2 of the 10 I've sent out were WL's, so I guess I got lucky.

What a great, friendly place. Glad I stumbled in here



Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 7:00 PM ET
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Welcome Russa...prepapred to become addicted!  You do have a good selection of books....keep up the supply-hit a good yard sale or two or offer to take any books from friends and reletives thry don't want any more. More books tend to move if your name  shows up in the forum.   I generally get a couple of request a week-just sent 4 packages off today.

hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 9:54 PM ET
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wish mine moved that fast!  actually it would if I would get to some of the books in my TBR pile that are wish listed.  all in good time!