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Topic: PBS really does mark your sent book received.

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VLR avatar
Subject: PBS really does mark your sent book received.
Date Posted: 4/28/2009 7:48 AM ET
Member Since: 8/31/2008
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I sent out a book on April 2nd.  It was a small book so I mailed it first class.  When it hadn't been marked received in a timely matter, I checked and discovered the member I sent the book to had their account suspended/ closed.  People in the forum said the PBS system will mark it received.  I contacted PBS.  They said the system will mark it received.  It finally did either late last night or early this morning!  (Tomorrow the book would have been declared lost).  So, for anyone else out there experiencing the same thing, the system WILL mark your book received so you receive your credit.  (Although I'd rather my book go to an active member in good standing...)

teachmesvn avatar
Date Posted: 4/28/2009 2:00 PM ET
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Thanks for the confirmation, Valerie. That's good to know!

Does anybody know if PBS will recognize a book received if delivery confirmation shows it was received but the member doesn't log it in as received? I assume so, but it has never quite come to that...yet. 

Also, if a lot of receiving members don't mark books received, does that reflect badly on the sender?


melanied avatar
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Date Posted: 4/28/2009 2:10 PM ET
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Susan - PBS will not mark a book received based on a DC scan. All that says is it was delivered somewhere, it doesn't mean the book was actaully delivered correctly. That is why PBS gives credit assurance on PBS-DC, to guarantee that the sender gets the credit as long as the book is scanned somewhere.

If a sender does get a lot of "lost" books, the site may look at their account activity since that could be a sign of a member not sending books. If there is a good history of DC scans on the lost books then I am sure they wouldn't have an issue with the member.

Last Edited on: 4/28/09 2:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
teachmesvn avatar
Date Posted: 4/28/2009 2:27 PM ET
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Thanks, Melanie. That's good to know. I do use PBS DC, so all should be well.

geejay avatar
Geri (geejay) -
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Date Posted: 4/29/2009 3:33 AM ET
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I have one waiting to be marked received.  I used PBS postage & DC and according to the details it was delivered April 14.  Where it was delivered is the question.  Somewhere in the town in Utah, maybe even to the right address and just hasn't been marked received for reasons we'll never know.



eclecticreader10 avatar
Date Posted: 4/29/2009 1:21 PM ET
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Geri, if you used PBS postage & DC you received your credit when you marked the book mailed.