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Topic: Need a PICK - ME - UP!!

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Subject: Need a PICK - ME - UP!!
Date Posted: 7/9/2007 4:56 PM ET
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I will start off this topic a little personal, I really have been in a slump with my christian walk.  Seems like I was on such a high with the Lord, and now I am on a low (it is not the Lord who walked away, but me!).  I just am feeling spiritually sick, I have tried to read my Bible, its like words with no meaning, can't seem to pray right, or at least just not sure what to say. 

If you have ever just been there, or know of any good books I could check into, my heart needs a jump start, really stressed out lately. 


Terri Lynn

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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 5:18 PM ET
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Terri Lynn

I've definitely been there!  Does reading fiction help?  That's my usual escape.  I mentioned it on another thread, but The Last Sin Eater was wonderful.  It really described so well how feelings of guilt can eat you up, and the path to redemption thru Jesus, though it's not an easy path!  Christy by Catherine Marshall isn't new, but it's another I've found helpful during a crisis of faith.  Sometimes too I find that I can't concentrate so listening to a book on tape or watching a movie helps.  Again the movie the Last Sin EAter was beautifully done.  (Can you tell I like the Last Sin Eater?)  Most important, you're not alone!  Have faith that it will get better, and keep us posted. 

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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 10:25 PM ET
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I have been feeling a little bit the same, and just started reading/working through Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge. I also have the study guide. It has really been helping, the readings are short but very powerful and have gotten me back to the basics.

I just have to say that I know so well how you are feeling. I have gone through those valleys in my life more times than I can even count. Beth Moore studies also have a way of bringing me back "in line" as well.


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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 1:14 AM ET
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Terri Lynn,

I, too, can and do understand exactly where you are.  But just know that the valleys and hard times make us stronger for a later purpose.  Examine what is happening with you and what you are feeling so that perhaps you can help someone else at a time when they are in this position.  And you are donig the right thing by searching and asking for help.  Remember, this is a time that Satan is working extra hard on you to get you down and keep you there.  :)

Fiction sometimes helps me to see the brighter picture, but so does some seclusion of sorts.  Not the type where you can wallow in your situation, but the kind that takes you back to nature, back to God, and you can refresh your mind and spirit and refocus on Him.  Sort of like a retreat.  (And it doesn't have to be an expensive retreat place could just be a night away by yourself....just you and the Lord.)  Sometimes I will also talk with someone I trust to be objective for me to listen and pray with me.  Just sharing the burden with someone often helps tremendously, as you don't feel so alone in your struggles.  And it will also offer you someone to hold you accountable and check in with you to see how you are progressing. 

Just some thoughts to share! :)

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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 9:05 AM ET
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I know exactly  how you feel.  I have to do all my studying of the bible through bible studies or I can never stay focused. One of my favorite bible study series I ever did was charles stanely keeping in touch series.  Listening to God was great( one of the studies.)  I also just read a book called Eli that was very eye opening it was a book about jesus birth in death but in a more modern setting.  I thought it really hit home even harder with me because sometimes it's hard to think about so many years ago what Jesus went through, but this author did a great job of bringing it into a modern situation..  I have some of these posted if anyone is interested, but the most important part is to not give up.. God never gives up on us even when we are in a slump he stands at the door and waits anxiously for our return.  And as far as praying tell God how you are feeling be honest with him.  He knows all that your going through and loves you more then anything.  


Take care and I'll pray for you

carey A

Last Edited on: 7/10/07 9:09 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 10:01 AM ET
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WOW,  I can't stop the tears from rolling down my face!  You all just have no idea, how the Lord has blessed me just being able to read your posts today!  I can't thank you all enough for responding to this post.   I don't have many books on my wish list, because I don't know that many christian authors......."True Confessions", I accepted Jesus when I was seven, grew up in an awesome christian home, turned into a nasty teen and strayed to the broad path where I stayed and turned my back on God until 2 years ago this past Easter, when one of my good ole christian friends invited me and my two teenage children to go to Good Friday dinner with her, after the service on was on my knees asking for forgiveness and amazing love of my heavenly Father held me like I have never felt before.  I watched the Passion of Christ with my two kids that same week, my daughter accepted Jesus, I have never been more happy, my son is still in the world, "aire go" the book I am almost finished reading "Power of the Praying Parent"!  Married and divorced twice, married again to a man I thought had accepted Jesus, but turns out that was the farthest thing from his mind, guess love clouded my judgement, I was like Peter, more focused on the water(husband) than Jesus.  I do love my husband though, he is an awesome man, but so needs the Lord, as do many in this world.  Father - in- law accepted Jesus almost a year ago, in pretty bad shape now, a few strokes the most recent has really set him back, unsaved husband and sister-in-law and mother-in-law makes my heart ache for them as they go through this time with their Dad not well.  I could just go on and on, but not sure how many characters I am allowed, HEE HEE, wow a little laugh, this is definitely a turn-a-round.  Just turned "40" a couple weeks ago, (that in itself can be depressing, wasn't quite ready for that yet).  I put "Eli" on my wish list, and I have done a couple of Beth Moore series, just finished "Setting the Captive Free", awesome study.  Thank you for your book recommendations as I am not christian author savy yet!  Before I go, again I just want to thank you all for replying to this post, never thought I would hear a response, the Lord just knew I needed to hear some good christian advise and maybe even some "I know how you feel" words of encouragement, that I am not alone!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will keep checking this post for updates!!!!

Terri Lynn

Last Edited on: 9/14/07 9:06 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 3:12 PM ET
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I can only re-emphasize what the others have said ... you are definitely not alone!!  I've been going through a valley of my own lately, and am hanging on to the knowledge  that God is there in the midst of it . I,am also one who seems to do most of my Bible studying out of Bible studies. Another thing I'm trying now is reading out of a different version of the Bible .. I've used NIV forever, and am currently reading out of the Message. It's been neat to see new things as I go through it.  As far as Christian fiction (which I read a tremendous amount of!), one author who always manages to touch my heart is Karen Kingsbury.  There are many others a well ... I'm sure you could look at the bookshelves of those who have posted here to find some great ideas!

God bless, and you will be in my prayers~

Snacker34 avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 4:54 PM ET
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Two books I'd recommend:

"Lord, I Really Want To Change... So Help Me God" - James MacDonald

"The Pressure's Off" - Larry Crabb

And two sermons:

#7 on this page: 

#9 on this page: 

Domestikate avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 6:04 PM ET
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You are in my prayers today. I am currently listening to a series by Nancy Leigh Demoss about going through life's deserts.  Every Christian will experience dry times... if  it is not a sin issue then maybe the Lord is taking you on a path that all of His children will take at one time or another. Usually these times come after an awesome spiritual experience with Christ. Hang in there sister, the Lord is right there with you whether you "feel" Him or not. It may just mean you are exactly where you need to be right now. Just like a loving parent, the Lord gives us what we need not just what we think we need.

I would caution you to be careful what you are putting into your mind right now. I may even be too bold to suggest abstaining from all other reading material (I know this is a book site... sorry!) until God's Word becomes alive to you again. Ask Jesus to speak to you through the Word. I am a true believer that the Bible is really the only book we need. Yes, other books can encouage us and help us on our journey, but they cannot replace the Bible.  Try starting afresh in the book of John, maybe a reminder of Christ's life would put things into perspective.


You are being prayed for!

~Katie P.

P.S. I am in total agreement with Tamara on the James MacDonald book. He also has a DVD series which you could probably get at  Life changing stuff!




Domestikate avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 6:20 PM ET
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Here's another book recommendation:

"A Place of Quiet Rest: Finding Intimacy With God Through a Daily Devotional Life" by Nancy Leigh Demoss

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 12:12 AM ET
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Terri, I know the feeling too. I agree with several of the suggestions from the others who posted and I recommend  SEVEN THINGS THAT STEAL YOUR JOY by Joyce Meyer. It has helped me.

Also, doing something for others helps me---bringing a homecooked meal to an elderly neighbor and staying to visit awhile, bringing a bag of groceries to another neighbor who has been laid off work, volunteering at a hospital or library or offering to babysit for some mother who could use a break. There are so many ways to help others. It makes me feel good to be a blessing to someone.

Also think on the things you do have and not what you don't.  Count your blessings and praise God for them.

Hope things will turn around for you soon!

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 9:27 AM ET
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I keep coming back to this post glad I do!  Thank you for your insight, good godly advise is sometimes the best medicine in the start to getting better.  Just to know what to do and where to go.  Although saved for many years, just a toddler in my christian walk.  I will start reading John for my daily devotions and I will just ask the Lord to speak to me through his word. 

Not sure how personal I should get, can't say I am the model christian, I have a smoking addiction that I have been battling for a couple years now, (I have smoked for 27 years), since I rededicated my life to the Lord, this sin has been quite a struggle for me.  My husband and I are financially strapped, car is broke down, other car trying to fix, but to no avail.  Husband (unsaved) and I are not quite on the same level (relationship wise....ya know what I mean?)  Doctor says I am starting menapause (GREAT???)!  Daughter is pregnant, not yet married, still living on the fence.  Son is all the way over on the other side of the fence, looking at jail time in the near future.  I am just physically, mentally, and spiritually, STRESSED OUT...and life just doesn't stop, so I can catch up!  I hope I haven't depressed any one, I know that truly worse things really could happen, and I am thankful for much, I just really hate feeling this way, need to get out of it fast, it is taking a toll on my marriage!  I really liked the whole retreat thing that Amanda had mentioned, it would so be nice just to get away for the day and just spend time with my Lord.  Looks like a vacation day is in order, very soon!

Please know that all of you who have replied to this post, (I have checked you all out, HEE HEE)  I have found a lot of wonderful books on your shelves, been writing them down so I can remember them.  And please know that nothing you could say would I take offense to, I am always willing to hear constructive critism, because we all need to be guided in the right direction, and 9 times out of 10 we can't see past our noses, so getting insight from others, for me, is a positive way of realizing what is wrong and attacking the source of the problems. 

I apologize for the lengthy posts, but just want you all to know how much I appreciate your help, but most of all your prayers, sometimes just coming here and reading helps me get through another day, and helps me to look for other avenues to find my Lord in the dark. 

May God all you tenderhearted people.

Thanks, Terri

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 11:12 AM ET
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I just want to 2nd Diane's comment above about serving someone else.  That is always a TRUE pick me up!  (For me anyway!)  It's one of the hardest things to do when you're feeling down like that, but truly a rewarding experience.


Terri, as I was reading your most recent post, I was wondering about members of your church.   Is there anyone there you can go to and visit with them about your marriage and family situations and gain strength from this person?  (This person would have to be someone you would trust to keep confidences....)  I would venture a guess that if anyone knew the burdens you're carrying (and how they are making you feel) they would be more than willing to help you and guide you through this.  Most of us go merrily about our lives completely oblivious to the hurts and pains of others....and when we find out about them, we wish we would have known sooner so we could have helped.  (At least in my experience anyway)  So perhaps you should seek out someone you trust to help guide you through this.

Which is NOT to say that you can't come here and ask us to help!  :)  Please don't misunderstand.  We're all here ready and willing to help you and pray with you.....I just know from personal experience that sometimes it helps to have a physical person to talk with. :)

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Date Posted: 7/11/2007 1:49 PM ET
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I am so so sorry your family is having a rough time right now!  I know we'll all be praying...  Hopefully there is someone at church to talk to.  Maybe your pastor could help with this too?  I know that serving others can be helpful but I have found when I've been in a bad place, that it can be too much.  I teach special ed. and I got so overwhelmed that it reached a point when people were telling me their needs, and I couldn't listen any more.  I'd sit there trying and watch their mouths move without being able to absorb a word they were saying.  In the end, I needed to step back and "retreat" so to speak for awhile.  With your family needing so much, I just wonder if it might be the same for you.  Remember too that the perimenopause thing is stressful and can really take you on a roller coaster ride.  Unfortunately it can take a long time.  I know.  It started for me at 40, and 6 years later....But this too shall pass. 

I think it's good we can connect with each other in cyberspace.  When I start to dwell on my shortcomings, I think forgiven, cause that's what we are.  No model Christian here either.  You are not alone!


drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 7/11/2007 11:09 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 11/7/08 7:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
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Date Posted: 7/13/2007 4:21 PM ET
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Just wanted to let you girls know that I am taking a couple days R & R!  I have a nice quiet spot picked out just to rest and relax and meditate on the word of God.  Please continue to pray that the Lord will strengthen me and guide me through the valley.  Thanks again for your support.

In Christ,


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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 11:51 PM ET
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Terri, are you back yet?  How was your R&R?   Hope you're doing better!

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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 6:27 AM ET
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Terri, I have been thinking about you too. Hope those few days away helped. Please let us know how you are doing now. Still praying for you.



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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 9:36 AM ET
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Wow, Hi girls!!!

I had the most wonderful time with my Lord the last couple of days!  I would take a whole page and a half to tell you all that the Lord has blessed me with!  The Lord sure heard your prayers and I can't thank you all enough for being so diligent in interceding on my behalf!  The weather was great...never left my home, short of going to the quiet spot that I told you all about in recent post.  The quiet spot I go to is called "Stillwater"  certainly appropiate when you just need to hear the Lord speak to you, it is the most beautiful sceneary!  Although we all know the Lord can speak to us anywhere, this place just makes me feel so much closer when I just take in the beauty of all He created.  My mom gave me a book called "Love - Life for every Married Couple", what a wonderful book, recommend to anyone, whether you think you have the best marriage or whether you are on the virg of divorce.  I have learned so much.  Even if the marriage seems one sided, mine is (spiritually)!  The Lord blessed me by allowing the car that we just fixed to pass inspection, and now everything is legal and running well.  I started reading the book of John and cryed while reading the third chapter about the "Woman at the Well", and I have read this many times, but the Lord touched my heart the day I read it!  I was blessed by my wonderful friends at church and confided in them about the things we have talked about here on the site, WERE YOUR EARS RINGING, because I told my friends at church how God has blessed me with PBS Christian friends, who also have been praying and encouraging me!  They want to know about the site too!  The message that Pastor preached on was that as Christians we must realize that we will never have "Arrived" as perfect christians until the day that we meet our Savior!  I have found that I truly beat myself up so bad for my past, and forget to realize that Christ died to save me from all of that, and for the future, the main focus should be to keep pressing forward.  Satan is the one who feels our minds with lies that we messed up just tooo many times, God will get sick of having to forgive you..............WRONG!!  God sees us through the blood of Jesus, His one and only son that gave his life to save us from eternal death, God sees us as perfect, even though when we look in the mirror we just see our imperfections!  Oh to walk with my Savior, I can hardly wait just to rest at his feet! 

I suppose I should stop now and get some work done!  Must thank you all again for your prayer support and encouraging words, I honestly took a little something from every post, you all have been tremendous, and I praise the Lord for my new Christian friends at PBS!  Talk to you all soon, let me know if I can ever pray or listen to you at any time!

May God bless you all!

Love and prayers,


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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 10:21 AM ET
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GOOD IS SO GOOD!!!!  I am so glad that you had a restful and refreshing weekened.  Your right about one thing satan does try to fill us with the feeling of never being good enough,, but God created us and we are his beloved children nothing we do ever makes us unworthy.   God has forgotten all the things of the past and pushed them as far as the east is from the west we are the ones who have a hard time doing the same. 


I am so glad that God has blessed your life and that your on a path of happiness again. Don't ever give up on your husband becasue God hasn't and someday the seeds that you plant may become fruitful..


A quick little story my mother in law was a chrisitan for 25 years before my father in law went to his youngest daughter and told her he wanted what she had.  SO there is always hope.


take care

have  a blessed day

carey A.

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Date Posted: 7/18/2007 12:13 PM ET
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Carey said:  Don't ever give up on your husband becasue God hasn't and someday the seeds that you plant may become fruitful..

Terri, there is a scripture that talks about a faithful woman can win her husband for the Lord by her actions and her silence.  (I simply cannot find the verses now....makes me frustrated...we just studied this at church! LOL).  So to reiterate what Carey said, don't givee up on him.  With God all things are possible.

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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 9:30 AM ET
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Thanks so much Amanda.  I do believe that, sometimes we get so sidetracked with all that goes on in life.  I can hardly wait to get the book I requested recently Power of a Praying Wife, so I can be more specific in my prayers. 


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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 2:56 PM ET
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Oh, Terri...that is a GREAT book.  Stormie is a gifted writer.  We read that one in a ladies class I was in once....very well written.   I still use some....okay, many....of the principals in my marriage today.  Let us know how things are going.

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Date Posted: 7/19/2007 4:32 PM ET
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I agree with Amanda. THE POWER OF A PRAYING WOMAN is excellent. I just finished it. I want to read more Stormie Omartian books. I have about 4 in my TBR pile and expect those to be on my "keeper" shelf to reread in the future along with this one.



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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:52 AM ET
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Just received "Power of a Praying Wife", one chapter in and the Lord has tendered my heart!  I can't even tell you how praying that the Lord would change YOU, would make you look at another person in such a different way.  After praying that the Lord would change me, and reveal things in me that I needed to change to be a better wife for my husband, I got up and I am telling you what, the Lord showed me my husband in a whole new light.  Only God can open your eyes and see things this way.  I can hardly put the book down, and even more wonderful, there is so much scripture that my Bible is right next to me, because I want to read more of the passages that Stormie relates to in this book.  I will keep posting as I read through this book, just want to be able to share the greatness of our Lord, and the mercy and love that He bestows on us, just when we need it most.

