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Topic: Packeges over 13onces and

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Subject: Packeges over 13onces and
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 10:03 PM ET
Member Since: 2/9/2007
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I use postage can I leave that in my mailbox for my postalworker to get? I don't know how those are looked at compared to regular stamps.

If not this sucks big time for me.

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 1:49 AM ET
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Yes - you can still leave these pkgs for them to pick up as they are trackable (same w/ paypal and other click to ship sites). You just can't leave them if they have actual stamps on them.

checkingmypulse avatar
Date Posted: 7/26/2007 9:54 AM ET
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you need to schedule a pickup though, and at least one package needs to be priority mail

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 10:50 AM ET
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Thanks Jessie - I didn't know that :)

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/26/2007 8:53 PM ET
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No, you don't need to schedule a pickup, you can put it in your mailbox for the postman to pick up just like you would an outgoing letter or drop the package into any blue collection box.

by using, you are a "known" mailer and expempt from the handing the package over to a postal worker thing.

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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 11:01 AM ET
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Sarah: That is highly subjective and dependent on your local PO. Around here (Chicago), carriers never pick ANYTHING up unless you've scheduled a pickup, and there's a priority or express item in with it. Period. My carrier told me she could get fired for bending the 'rule'.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 5:29 PM ET
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I've never heard of a postal worker refusing to pick up outgoing mail from a mailbox.

ETA:  I guess the best solution then would be to ask your mail carrier if it's okay to leave your packages in your mailbox for them to pick up.

Last Edited on: 7/27/07 5:31 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/27/2007 6:42 PM ET
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My carrier doesn't pick up books I (use to) leave in the box.  She picked up the letters but left the book.  Had to go drop it in the blue box.  Seems to depend on the carrier around here.