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Topic: These people are so "LOST"

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Subject: These people are so "LOST"
Date Posted: 7/7/2007 8:15 PM ET
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I'm posting this here because I know the "atheists/agnostics" whatevers probably won't touch this forum with a 10 foot pole.  That being said I was browsing the forum titled "Club Member's Thoughts" and came upon this thread:

Are There Any Athiests Out There  and my curiosity got the best of me.  As i read through the posts on this thread I felt a little sad.  That people could be so lost and not even know it.  Not even know the life that God planned for them is so much better than the one they've insisted on having.   Not knowing that the God I know loves them more than they could ever possibly fathom and desires to give them more than they could ever ask or think.....even with all our ugliness and sin filled lives he still desires to have a relationship with us.   All he requires is that we know him and make him known.

I was tempted to post this reply:  " You may want to try the LEFT BEHIND series.....  :) "    but i didn't as i'm sure that would have incited a riotous lashing out on me and my "opinions".  so i just left it alone and came here..... 

Any thoughts????

Last Edited on: 7/7/07 8:19 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 7/8/2007 1:21 PM ET
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Well my very first thought.... pray for them!! But after that... I am not sure :( It is sad.... I struggle with that all the time... what CAN you say, because you know they will just ridicule you... I really hate it at work... everyday I hear all my co-workers talk about getting drunk at the bar the night before... and I wonder, How could anyone live their lives like this?? Surely they cannot be happy... yet they are uninterested in God. It so heart breaking....

Maybe you can suggest some more 'subtle' books to them.... Left Behind is so obviously Christian... maybe more of an allegory book.... something that doesn't outright preach GOD, but that just introduces them to the idea of something different....

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Date Posted: 7/8/2007 8:17 PM ET
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thanks for responding.....for awhile there it felt like no one wanted to touch MY thread with a 10 foot pole either. ;)  Giggles......

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Date Posted: 7/9/2007 6:00 AM ET
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I guess we just have to pray for those who don't get it. It is sad that so many people don't believe. I don't push my beliefs on anyone, but I have a deep rooted faith that they can't shake out of me!

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Date Posted: 7/10/2007 1:18 AM ET
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It's also about planting seeds.  We can plant, someone else can water and God will give the increase.  (1 Corinthians 3:6)  We never know what our one (or two) comments may do to someone that will cause them to seek out another for clarification.   Many people in the Bible were ridiculed and murdered for standing up for their beliefs and we have to be prepared for that too....  (Believe me, I'm preaching to the choir here....LOL) 

Snacker34 avatar
Date Posted: 7/10/2007 4:45 PM ET
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Might I suggest going to to learn to witness biblically? Also, they have books especially for atheists. One I just gave to an atheist on the streets the other day is called, "God Doesn't Believe in Atheists."

Here's a good video too: 

Atheists don't realize they have all broken the Ten Commandments like all of us. Once they realize there is a Creator, then they are open to talking about moral behavior (the Law), then witnessing becomes much easier. It's how Jesus, Paul, Peter, etc. did it.  :)

Have a blessed day!


sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 7/14/2007 4:09 PM ET
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I'm a Deist, and while I know that "witnessing" is part of Christian teachings, nothing irritates me more.  It's so difficult to do without coming across as condescending.  But I do read religious books because I like to keep my mind open and learn new things.  The biggest problem I find is that there are so many unintelligent, biased people out there who preach their version of Christianity so loudly that they drown out all the people who are living good, honorable lives according to Christian teachings.  The fanatics are becoming defined as the norm when they are anything but.  As a scientist, I find that the Christian books that most speak to me are those written by intelligent, witty, well-informed writers; writers who are accomplished philosophers as well as theologians.  My personal favorite is C. S. Lewis.  I think you were wise to stay out of that other thread, because the people there most likely would reject any contribution you made, but if you wish to recommend a book to atheists in the future, Lewis' works are a good place to start.  I would especially recommend "the Screwtape Letters" because it can be read by non-Christians as a work of fiction, but the arguements and ideas are sound and logical and any reader can easily see their application in his or her own life.

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Date Posted: 7/14/2007 6:35 PM ET
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I used to be very irritated by Christian witnessing.  I, too, thought they were a bunch of condescending killjoys!  However,  God in his own time showed me what Christ really did for me and I became a  "born again" Christian.  I have been on both sides. As a Christian you just want people to wake up and see the obvious. Knowing Christ is life or death in eternity but I understand how well meaning Christians can come across as abrasive.  I think in our zeal we forget that it is the Holy Spirit that convicts and we are only instruments.  I love the book THe Case for Christ by Lee Stroebel. He was a journalist for the Chicago Tribuneand caustic toward Christianity but he decided to at least look at it as a journalist.  I also like More Than a Carpenter  by Josh McDowell. He gives an intelligent discussion of the gospel.  We Christians need to look to Christ's example of truth with kindness. There is never an excuse to be rude.

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Date Posted: 7/15/2007 11:35 AM ET
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A life lived in Christ is louder than any sermon.        As far as the forums go - I haven't commented in that section because I don't see many there with minds open to hear.   Plus, any comment by me would be swallowed up by their rebuttals.   You have to know when and where your witnessing is useful. 

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Date Posted: 7/17/2007 3:52 PM ET
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Your right about people being so lost... I just saw a thread in the religion and spirituality section that was asking for children's books with a pagany theme.  ugh how can they give that stuff to their children.  it really hurts my heart.  Then there was another thread same heading about the ten comandments and church and state. The thread got into how the country was founded on etc.  Very sad to see what people where saying.  The funny part was that whole thread was started with a joke something about 3 things and the joke was pretty funny and a little sad considering it was the truth.  well any way on and on I go. 


God bless all


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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 6:04 PM ET
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We must practice being the hands and feet of Jesus more than the....MOUTHS.   Words can come in time through relationship.  As CozSnShine said.....our actions are always louder than our words.  And its true.....when words are falling on deaf ears they are often taken in way they were never meant to be.  I believe God loves the Lost, Broken, Flawed and the Vulnerable exactly like they are but he also loves them too much to let them stay that way.   I'm committed to "occupy" my space.  In doing so, I believe God has planted us all  in our "spaces" for a particular reason.  Our spaces are our families, neighborhoods, communities, workplaces, and all that we come in contact with.  But it all begins with Relationship.  If there's no relationship that seed can't be watered which is exactly why i don't  "plant"  too much in random threads with people i couldn't possibly have influence or relationship. 

Thanks guys for the lively discussion. :)

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Date Posted: 8/1/2007 10:59 PM ET
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Tessie, I felt the same way when I read that post heading.  I wanted to say something on that thread, but thought about the PBS guidelines and didn't want to start anthing that might get me banned from PBS.  I agree with these others....we can just pray for them, which is what I did.  :)  I could go on and on, but I will stop here.  :)


auroraacerbis avatar
Date Posted: 8/2/2007 3:54 AM ET
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I'm going to go with Vanessa on this one. In fact, new to PBS, I was surprised to find a thread like this at all. Not that I don't think Christians don't read books; rather, all the "intellectuals" I know in my life are athiests. It is certainly nice and refreshing to find other people who don't feel they have to sacrifice their faith for their intellect.

Anyway, in the last year I've turned my faith around and become completely reborn in the body of Christ but I feel constricted in talking about it to other people. For example, my ex-best friend was, of all things, a Satanist, for the last couple of years. I didn't share my faith with her because I was well of her deaf ears - her mother went through my renaissance with me. Anyway, she began dating a devout guy and she turned it around and began to judge me for not being Christian enough. I live a quiet faith and hope to lead others by example.

Jeez, sorry for such a long post!

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 10:22 PM ET
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I just read the post about separation of church and state, and I agree, it is sad to see what people can come up with.

I agree with you, CozSnShine.  Many times our actions speak louder than words, and our lifestyles and attitudes can speak very clearly to others if we are truly living a Christian life.  I do believe that witnessing to others is a very important part of being a Christian, and I think it is sad that we have to be so careful about what we say and to whom we say it when it comes to God.

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Date Posted: 8/4/2007 1:04 PM ET
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Shelly, I agree with what you just said.  I'm usually not this forth-coming, but what advice do any of you have when you are born again, but your husband doesn't want any part of it?


rachum05 avatar
Date Posted: 8/6/2007 4:55 AM ET
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Might I offer an alternative point of view? I used to be a Christian, which is why I stopped by here for a little peek, and I found myself feeling a little hurt at some of the sterotypes being used about people who are agnostic or athiest. I think it's a little more complicated than that, and not just black and white. I'm actually personally rather glad to hear that you guys have found something that works for you, and have faith in it, and follow accordingly--I just wish that the feeling was mutual.

I'm not trying to start a debate, I just wanted to toss in my two cents. Hope I didn't offend anyone.


sevenspiders avatar
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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 11:56 AM ET
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i agree with rachel c.  it is possible to be spiritual without being christian or following any major organized religion.  i wish people wouldn't assume others are closed minded or lacking because they follow a different spiritual path.  Matters of the soul are the more private and personal than anything else, and they should be respected as such.

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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 2:38 PM ET
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Sorry Rachel C. and Vanessa V. that there have been hurt feelings for you both  on this particular forum. I think everyone has a right to their own opinion and I thank God every day that I live in a country that let's us believe what we will freely.  Try not to take the comments too personally. Many groups have been stereotyped in the forums including we Christians many many times and I am sure there have been many hurt feelings because of that too.  Sometimes it is hard not to take it personal when your intelligence is in question because you happen to believe in GOD.  And it is also hard not to want to tell others when you have found the "thing "  that works for you so profoundly. It is just natural -- and human to want to share. This particular forum, CHRISTIAN BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS allows Christians on this site to speak freely  what is in their heart and fellowship with like -minded  believers and others too, I thank Robert and Richard for this one especially.


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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 7:51 PM ET
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I certainly don't get my feelings hurt by others beliefs.   However - that was a quite lengthy discussion in CMT on people who did NOT believe.  I am relieved that there is also room here on PBS where believers can come and discuss our feelings too.  There is no reason for anyone to come into a Christian forum except to either agree with us OR argue.   I am always tolerant of others beliefs, I just wish others would show us the same curtersy.     This does not say "spiritual" book recommendations but CHRISTIAN.   I have no problem Rachael and Vanessa with anything you have to say.   I just wonder why you'd come HERE and say it.       By the way - even tho the thread in CMT was at times hurtful and hateful - they had the right to feel that way about Christians and to say so.   

hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 8:22 PM ET
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I saw that thread and refused to click on it.  It is so nice to have a thread like this one though where other believers can discuss.

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hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 8:22 PM ET
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I saw that thread and refused to click on it.  It is so nice to have a thread like this one though where other believers can discuss.

hsmom2017 avatar
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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 8:23 PM ET
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Oops, sorry.  Double post.

Last Edited on: 8/7/07 10:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/6/2007 10:21 PM ET
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I make it a practice in my life to never judge others. Everyone was put on this earth by God for some purpose and He wants everyone to come to him.. Therefore I try to never judge others or what they think or believe. Although it makes my heart feel very sad when I see people who don't believe  because I know Jesus is the only way to eternal life and I know what will happen to people who do not believe in him. I used to be quite in my faith, but I try hard now to share because that is what God would have us to do.  I am glad that there is a forum where I can share freely and I am very sorry if people's feelings are hurt by things that are said here, but I agree with the above post that the thread clearly says christian and therefore I can't understand why those who do not  belive would want to look at this thread.  Oh well I have really enjoyed looking at this conversation as it has progressed so thank you to all who have contributed.  Have a great night!!


God Bless,

carey a

rachum05 avatar
Date Posted: 8/7/2007 12:16 AM ET
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To answer the wonderings of why I was even here, it was simply: I was curious. You have to wonder how many other "curious" people come here looking, and get turned off when they see negativity spoken about something that they currently believe. I was not aware that this forum was exclusive to Christians only, just that it was a common ground, and I don't think that people should be getting ruffled over what I very politely posted as my opinions and my opinions alone.

Also, I'm not sure I agree with Cozette M about non-Christians having the right to feel and say hateful things about Christians. That's not the way anybody should work, and it says right at the top of every forum page, "Please, if you can not be courteous and respectful, do not post in this forum." I have respect for respectful people, whether you are Christian, Mormon, Pagan, Hindu, or what have you, and I would hope that most people here felt the same way.

In short, this is supposed to be book-swapping site to connect people who have the love of reading in common, and I think that it is a little bit sad to section us off by religion. Yes, I can appreciate the fact that you want somewhere to go to chat with other Christians. But keep in mind, please, that the rest of us are people, too, and most of us are rather decent ones at that.

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Date Posted: 8/7/2007 8:38 AM ET
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Another reason someone might visit this forum is because they have not yet made up their mind and are looking for as much information as possible to make the right decision for them.  I'm not here to argue, I'm here to learn. 
