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The Eclectic Pen - Some People

By: Breanna B. (bre11)   + 2 more  
Date Submitted: 6/6/2012
Last Updated: 6/6/2012
Genre: Uncategorized
Words: 111

  Some people see, some people don't.
Some people hear, Some people won't.
Some people see what shouldn't be shown.
Some people hear what shouldn't be heard.
Some people do many things we don't accept, and all some people ask for is to be accepted.
Some people dream and reach for the stars, and some people dream and ask where they are.
Some people think they are where life is suppose to take them, and some people wonder what is going to happen.
To know where you are and where you are going is a place that we all strive to be. But once in a while someone finds that special place and finally they can see.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Breanna B. (bre11)

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