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Topic: Photos in Profile?

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BarteringBibliophile avatar
Subject: Photos in Profile?
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 5:14 PM ET
Member Since: 7/9/2007
Posts: 34
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Is there a way to add pictures to ones profile?

I've tried <img src=" and [img] but neither of those seem to work.

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 6:06 PM ET
Member Since: 8/9/2005
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Do you mean like the sharks I have on my signature (in that area) if so click on my screen name that will take you to my notebook. Click on view all entries and there are tutorials for avatars (beside your name) and signatures (under your post)

BarteringBibliophile avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:07 PM ET
Member Since: 7/9/2007
Posts: 34
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I know how to put pictures in my signature and how to get an image for my icon. Im just wondering how to put photos in the "so and so says" section. thank you for your help though.

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:56 PM ET
Member Since: 8/9/2005
Posts: 20,024
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Oh you cant add a photo to the text but you can link to a photo. For that you just have to copy and paste the URL and it will look like this: