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Topic: Physical Education Program

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TheSampleLady avatar
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Subject: Physical Education Program
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 3:03 PM ET
Member Since: 6/10/2007
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What do you do to satisfy your state's physical education requirement? If your state has no PE requirement, do you implement a program anyway? If so, what?

After the new year, I am going to look into the YWCA's program for homeschoolers. Does anyone use this?

Do you work on PE at home? Do you count soccer practice (or other practice) as PE time?

fightpilotswife avatar
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 3:27 PM ET
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We don't have a PE requirement, but get plenty of physical activity in anyway.  Right now, my son spends 4 hours a week at taekwondo, 4.5 hours a week at gymnastics and 2 hours a week in hip hop classes.  He's been a part of a ton of other sports, but these are the ones that have stuck.

We're also contemplating a Christian homeschool sporting program that's just starting up.  The down side is that it's pretty pricey, but it sounds like lots of fun.

PaulaS avatar
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 3:35 PM ET
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We aren't required to do PE program.  With one child I am currently using a curriclum based upon the book "children moving".  It is a college level book on how to teach PE to elementary aged children.  I found it at Goodwill so it was a deal. 

Another thing we have done in the past is the President's physical fitness challenge.   check it out at   We finished earning our Gold level last summer.  I did it along with him as I could use the fitness as well.  It is a great program. 

When we lived where we had to count hours any  physical activity counted in my book.  Play football with your friends, swimming, rollerblading through the house :)   HTH


JCCrooks avatar
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 3:58 PM ET
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Neither our current nor former states required PE.  However, in our former city, DS participated in the YMCA's HS classes for PE and swimming.  It was *wonderful*, but of course every Y is different.  Ours even had art classes.

In our new city, our Y is not accomodating for children being in the facility before 4 pm, which is not great for HS'ers.  We had a membership when we first arrived here, and got rid of it after two months because I refused to go after 4 when all the PS kids were there.

Now we're involved in a HS co-op and DS takes Karate and PE Fitness (doing the President's challenge).  He's also involved in indoor and outdoor track and cross country through our Parks & Rec division.  He also does every 5K run in the area.  He's 9, and has a goal of doing a marathon as an adult.


afrugalmom avatar
Date Posted: 9/10/2007 4:25 PM ET
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Do you count soccer practice (or other practice) as PE time?

Absolutely!  I would count any kind of physical activity or exercise. 

Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 9/10/2007 11:20 PM ET
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yes, we have soccer practice twice a week for an hour and a half each and one game a week.  THat's probably more time than they had in PE all week in PS. Sure count it!

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 6:04 PM ET
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I even count time spent playing Dance Dance Revolution on the Playstation. 


Stacy Walker


fightpilotswife avatar
Date Posted: 9/11/2007 6:06 PM ET
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Dance Dance Revolution......we LOVE that one!  :)

bookwormhouse avatar
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Date Posted: 9/11/2007 7:58 PM ET
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My dd plays team basketball.

My ds did several merit badges for Boy Scouts. You can get merit badge books at any scout shop. Personal Fitness, Hiking, Swimming come to mind, but there are many more. For a listing of available merit badges, go to to see requirements. The books go into a little more depth (like rules and such). You can find merit badge books in used book stores or maybe even on PBS.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 11:12 AM ET
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We did the Y a couple of times a week last year and worked a little on nutrition, muscles and activity intruction.  This year we have begun to do more in the local homeschool group actiivties, soccer and ultimate frisbee.  There are homeschool days at Y's in the area, but we don't have time to do everything!

There are no PE requirements but I use a checklist to record that we have done each subject just in case (or so I know they are done!)
