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Favorite Recipes: Pineapple Delight

Recipe Author

Name: Shirley B. (lostinthegarden)
Total Recipes: 1



Pineapple Delight

Dish: Puddings & Custards
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Baked
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 8
Prep Time: 12 min
Cook Time: 1 hr

  • 1 stick - Margarine
  • 1 cup - Sugar
  • 4 - eggs
  • 1 - number 2 can crushed pineapple - well drained
  • 5 - pieces of bread - cubed

Cream margarine and sugar.  Add eggs, one at a time, beating well.  Add crushed pineapple, fold in bread cubes, making sure all bread is moistened.  Pour into a baking dish about 9 inches across, and bake for one hour at 375 degrees.  Serve hot or cold, delicious.


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Joan B. (joanib504)
1/22/2009 7:04 PM ET
I made this recipe and it was really good. Joan