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Topic: A Place for Red Sox Fans to Chat

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vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 10/4/2007 11:32 AM ET
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Where are you guys?  What a great game last night against the Angels!  I'm so glad we got that first win.  Josh Beckett pitched one of the best games I have ever seen him pitch. A complete 3 hit shutout!  If he keeps pitching like that we ought to just be able to march through the playoffs.  Yahoo!!!


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Date Posted: 10/6/2007 1:32 PM ET
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right here...last night's game was great also...with Manny hitting his first walk off home run as a Red Sox...serves them right for intentionally walking Ortiz!!! Josh Beckett is amazing...Matsuzaka...not so much...hopefully he gets better in the next round.  Did you see the eruption of applause at Fenway when the Yankees lost...funny because Matsuzaka was tanking at that point and was probably wondering why all the cheers...

I am due with my first child  next Friday and really hoping that there is a Red Sox game on while I am in labor to help distract me and pass the time.

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/6/2007 3:00 PM ET
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Congrats Dawn!  I hope all goes well delivering that first baby.  It is a great experience - I did not deliver any of my babies I had sections but even those were wonderful because of that little baby when it was all over.

I agree - Josh Beckett is amazing - he looks so cool and collected out there.  I hope we can sweep - or only go 4 games - I can't take the pressure of going 5 games.  LOL

I can't wait for tomorrow's game - I hope Schilling has his stuff! :)

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/8/2007 10:06 AM ET
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WooHoo!  We swept the Angels!  Now let's hope those Indians beat those Yankees!


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Date Posted: 10/8/2007 10:25 AM ET
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Yeah!  We clinched our division series in 3!!!!   (Happy Dance!!!)

Schilling was terrific.  I had to chuckle that they brought Gagne in for the 9th.  Apparently Terry figured even he couldn't blow a 9-0 lead.  But he did manage to let them get one back.  :(

I guess the Yankees still have some fight left in them.  I imagine Steinbrenner threatening to fire Joe Torre and anyone else he could think of lit a fire under them.  Apparently George has forgotten his team was at one point 14 games behind the Red Sox and Torre brought them back so they won the Wild Card.  I guess you just can't please everybody!

So we have Beckett ready to go on Friday against either Cleveland (I hope) or the Yankees.  I think I may develop an ulcer if the Yankees beat Cleveland. 


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Date Posted: 10/10/2007 12:57 PM ET
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Is anyone else going through baseball withdrawal this week?  It seems like it will be forever before we get to Friday!  :)

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2007 9:22 PM ET
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Joy - yes I am!  Even my 6 yo keeps asking me when the Red Sox are playing again.  I think he is going through withdrawal also! :)

I can't wait for Friday!

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Date Posted: 10/11/2007 5:50 PM ET
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I can't wait until tomorrow when they are on again (tomorrow is also my due date, but nothing is doing yet)

I was so glad when the Yankees lost, but I do think it is ridiculous that Torre's job would be on the line. Like I think Joy said, they won the wild card after being behind by 14 games..not many teams could have done that....don't get m wrong...I was thrilled that Cleveland beat them though!!!

Hopefully Beckett looks like he did on his last outing....keeping my fingers crossed.


Last Edited on: 10/11/07 5:51 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 10/13/2007 1:19 PM ET
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Dawn, I hope you made it through the game last night!  Be sure they have a TV in the delivery room for you if the Sox are playing.  Perhaps Gagne will be pitching and messing up a bit (like last night) and you'll be so aggravated that little one will be born in no time!  :)

Well, indeed, Josh Beckett did look great last night.  Struck out 7, walked no one, 2 runs on 4 hits over 6 innings.  And the offense was unbelievable.  Can you imagine ~ Big Papi & Manny on base every single time they were up last night?  I hope Schilling can do the same tonight.  CC Sabathia didn't seem too impressive to me after all the hype about the two aces of the AL pitching against each other.  But it could just as easily have been Beckett having an off night too.  I hope Carmona has an off night.  :)

Rockies are up 2-0 in the NLCS.  I really hope they don't sweep their series in 4 ~ I'd like them to be at least a little tired when we face them in the World Series!

By the way, has anyone noticed that Theo is never sitting down to watch the game when they show a picture of him? 

Go Sox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Date Posted: 10/15/2007 1:09 AM ET
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Gagne strikes again.  I think they should pull him from the roster and add Julian Taverez back in his place.  I think Red Sox Nation uttered a collective moan seeing him come out of the bullpen.

Hopefully we can get home field advantage back with at least one win in Cleveland.

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Date Posted: 10/17/2007 4:01 AM ET
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Okay.  We are behind 3-1 in the ALCS.  On the Red Sox panic scale I am now on the highest level, I'm out there crawling on the ledge.  What has happened to them all of a sudden?  It's like with the exception of Josh Beckett, Jon Papelbon, Big Papi, Manny, and Lowell, everyone else has already checked out for the season.  I know that it is possible to come back, but man, now we have to win all three of the remaining games.  How many of you are out there on the ledge with me?

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Date Posted: 10/17/2007 6:25 PM ET
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Okay all you Red Sox fans!!  Wear your rally caps all day tomorrow, get your little Wally out,  or whatever good luck stuff you can and get ready for tomorrow night!!!!   Yikes!!  The only blessing is that Beckett is pitching.   Triple panic time.

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/22/2007 7:21 AM ET
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WooHoo!!!!  We are going to the World Series!!!

What a great game last night!  I am so happy Josh won MVP - I really think he brought the team up!

I can't wait until Wednesday!  :-))

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Date Posted: 10/22/2007 9:24 AM ET
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I can't wait until Wednesday either, and I agree about Beckett winning the MVP.  How about that Kevin "Cowboy Up" Millar throwing out the first pitch!  Too cool. 

I think Pap has taken a few dance lessons, he seemed to be dancing much better last night.  lol

Can you believe that homer Pedroia hit into the monster seats?  The little guy comes through big!!


Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/25/2007 7:17 AM ET
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Awesome Game 1!  Go Josh Beckett!  He is wonderful!

Schill - I hope you have a wonderful game tonighit!

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/26/2007 8:29 AM ET
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Wow - what a game last nigh!  Schill pitched a great game.  Now we are off to Colorado!  I can't wait until tomorrow night!

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/29/2007 6:54 AM ET
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WooHoo!  What a series!  I am exhausted but it is so worth it!

Great Series Red Sox!  Congrats Mike Lowell, you deserve MVP.  I hope we see you around Fenway next year.  We are counting on it.

The rest of the team are also MVPs in my book! :)

tigger5677 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2007 12:02 PM ET
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If the Red Sox don't re-sign Lowell and go after Ego-Rod Instead I will be seriously ticked...

tigger5677 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2007 1:46 PM ET
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So I'm watching the rolling rally... any of you who weren't able to watch it should definitely check out you tube later on, Jonathan Papelbon put on a kilt and danced with Mike Timlin to the live music of the Drop Kick Murphy's......

Lynne avatar
Date Posted: 10/30/2007 3:48 PM ET
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Kristen - thanks for the info.  If you see if on you tube please post a link.  I would love to see it.


I also agree with your earlier post about Lowell - I really hope they re-sign Mike.  I don't like as you call him Ego-Rod

tigger5677 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2007 7:26 PM ET
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Back To Top        His first Dance.                         His second dance                          This is the one with him in the Kilt dancing with Okajima and Timlin.

These aren't on you tube yet but I found them on another site.   

tigger5677 avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2007 7:52 PM ET
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The best part of the rally was listen to the "Don't Sign A-Rod" chants every time Larry Luchino's Duck boat went by.  I think people are really ticked about the whole free agent announcement thing... I admit I am seriously sickened by the fact that his agent felt that he was sooooo special he could upstage the World Series with his free agency, even my hubby (a die hard Yankee fan) who has always been a fan of A- Rod is P-Oed about their behavior, and as far as he's concerned A-Rod can't get out of the Yankee club house fast enough....Let's face it the guy is a walking night mare, sure he's a great ball player, but come, on he's a high maintenance cry baby with a toxic club house personality.  

murj1 avatar
Date Posted: 10/30/2007 11:15 PM ET
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Did anyone go to the Rally? I'm not a big poster but I just had to say.....Did you see Tek with the RESIGN LOWELL sign? That was by far the best part of the whole thing.  I spent the entire day watching TV, didn't even bother trying to get a free taco!

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Date Posted: 11/1/2007 12:30 PM ET
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I spent the whole day watching TV too!  And I agree, I was really quite suprised to see him holding that sign ~ but as Captain I guess he has the right to do that ~ I sure agree with him.  

I felt a little bad for Papelbon, he didn't really have too much space on the flatbed to really get his jig going.  :)  But he was a hoot!

Kristin I also enjoyed the "Don't sign A-Rod" chants!  If I was Theo or one of the other three I wouldn't take him if someone gave him to me!  That clubhouse and group of players get along so well with such teamwork, A-Rod would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the works.  I'm just so afraid that the Yankees are going to make a real push to get Lowell to sign with them.  I hope the Sox "cowboy up" a good offer for him!  :)  Not only would the Red Sox have to pay A-Rod millions, they would also have to pay for his plastic surgery during the off-season to get that Yankee smirk off his face.  Just the thought of him standing at 3rd base gives me the heebie-jeebies. :o(

What do you think ~ will they resign Schilling?  Do you think they should?  I really can't quite make up my mind about it. 

tigger5677 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2007 5:38 PM ET
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I hope they re-sign Schilling, only because I think they owe it to him....he's given Boston more than their moneys worth, and I think it's time to repay the debt for the bloody sock and the damage that was done to his body as a result.  I know that running a ball club is essentially running a business and I could see them not signing him very easily.  He is getting older and his dominance isn't quite as pronounced as it was (mostly due to the ligament injury) but I'd like to see a little loyalty and gratitude out of the Red Sox, YKWIM?  The kind of loyalty they didn't show when Damon filed free agency.

ETA: The Schilling situation is also really interesting B/C he has no agent, he's representing himself, and some folks think this will make Red Sox management  offer less money that they would to someone represented by a high powered flash-man. 

Last Edited on: 11/1/07 5:54 PM ET - Total times edited: 1