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Topic: Please explaine "R&B"

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katlover avatar
Subject: Please explaine "R&B"
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 8:50 AM ET
Member Since: 7/29/2007
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Please explain "R&R" - I assume they own the site, but people here seem to know them and PM them with questions or problems and so forth.

Last Edited on: 8/30/07 8:50 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
DaniLynn avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 9:36 AM ET
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Yep, R&R (Richard and Robert) run the site.  They're the brains behind PBS.   There are a few people around that are extremely involved in the site who communicate with them regularly.  But, anyone can send a PM to them with suggestions or problems using the contact us link at the bottom of the page. 

vix avatar
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 9:55 AM ET
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And all this time I thought it meant Rest and Relaxation.  I thought there was a lot of that going on.  haha.  ;-)

MiMi-G avatar
Date Posted: 8/30/2007 11:05 AM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/19/09 9:55 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
ABCatHome avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 11:48 AM ET
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Yes, anyone can send an email to R&R and make suggestions or ask for help...However, PLEASE use your Tour Guide (assigned to you when you joined, check your Buddy List and see if you have a TG there) and/or the Live Help feature with questions about the site or procedure.  Most of us TG's can help with the majority of the problems that arrise without having to bother R&R.  They are EXTREMELY busy with running everything, the coding of the site, and with getting new features off the ground...and we really need to utilize the methods in place before bothering them.  (Sort of like using chain of command.)  :)  If there is a problem that the TG's cannot fix or help you with, they will tell you that for that problem, you need to contact R&R through the feedback system.  There are certain things that only R&R can deal with, and we will tell you when that happens.

Hope that makes sense...I'm not trying to be snarky at all.  Just reminding everyone of the system that is set in place to handle some of these issues.  :)

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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 1:40 PM ET
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Ha, for some reason I thought R&R was a legal firm.

DaniLynn avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 3:07 PM ET
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 PLEASE use your Tour Guide (assigned to you when you joined, check your Buddy List and see if you have a TG there) and/or the Live Help feature with questions about the site or procedure. 

I know some people feel a bit shy about asking a "real" person for help (even though our tour guides are very nice, and I know none of them bite, lol).  So, the help section is also a good resource.  I don't think I ever came across a general site question that wasn't addressed there.

I think its best to save the PMs for R&R when you notice a major glitch in the system or if you have a suggestion that you think will make the site a better place.  They do listen.  I think it was a result of member suggestions that we're getting printable postage.  :)  


ABCatHome avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 3:12 PM ET
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Dani, you are so right!  R&R do listen.....they want this site to be what the members want.  And saving emails to them for major glitches is key! :) 

We TG's don't bite, that's for sure!  We are volunteers so that means that we want to be helping people and want to do what we're doing.  Please don't feel shy!  If you don't ask us, we don't know you need help or have questions.  LIke my dad used to always say, the only dumb question is the one that isn't asked.  :)

icesk8tr avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 3:29 PM ET
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That is right Amanda!!

And if you find you have a question and you don't have a Tour Guide assigned to you who would be listed in your Buddy List, try the Live Help feature in the Help Center. That will give you a listing of Tour Guides that are currently on the web site. At any given time there are at least 6 of us roaming around here!! We are all glad to help you with your questions! ;)



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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 3:55 PM ET
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That's good to know about the live help section.  I will say that when I have had to send an email, either R or R (LOL)  or a tour guide responded very quickly and the problems were resolved.  This is one place where you really do feel valued!

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 8/30/2007 10:42 PM ET
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The thing with writing to a TG before writing to R&R with a suggestion or problem, is that they may be able to tell you if that issue has already been presented to R&R. I know that if you have a problem with data corrections or the database, I can usually tell you if that is something that I have already dealt with, and then there would be no reason to tell R&R. There are a couple issues being discussed with me right now, that R&R are aware of, and I have tried to help alleviate the members that have asked about it, letting them know that the problem has been submitted already and that I know it has been partially addressed.

The same is true with the TG's. They have their own little forum where they can present problems from the members that they are helping to see if any  other TG has incountered the problem and ask whether it has already been sent in.

The suggestion of looking in the HELP CENTER before contacting anyone, is a super one. I don't know how many questions have been asked of me, or posted here in the forums, that were a simple question in the HC. The search ability there is tremendous and a single key word from your question can usually get you an answer, or often even typing your question right there gets you a statement very similar to exactly what you asked! It is so very well laid out and detailed. I'm just amazed at have many people don't use it more.

You will find the PBS Glossary particularly helpful, and I was surprised not to find R&R in there! hahahaha

hollyrod avatar
Date Posted: 8/31/2007 6:43 PM ET
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Sherry and others make excellent points about the Help Center.  Even as a Tour Guide I don't know everything about the site (really!), and when I'm asked a question I don't know, I can almost always find the answer in the Help Center.   R&R did a great job setting it up, and they are always adding to it as new things come up.