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The Eclectic Pen - Poisoned

By: Alexandria W. (psylady)   + 6 more  
Date Submitted: 4/1/2009
Last Updated: 4/9/2009
Genre: Romance
Words: 41

  A Poison Seeps
Through My Veins,
Causing Me To
Feel This Pain,
It Muddles My Senses
It Addles My Brain,
Short My Life
Doth New Wane,
A Venomous Kiss
Took My Sight
But I Gave In
Without A Fight
This Poison's Called Love
And Now I Can See,
That To Deaths Great Abyss,
It's Taking Me.

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Alexandria W. (psylady)

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Kimberly Z. (chiKaD27) - , - 4/1/2009 10:08 PM ET
Really good. And, in the chance of sounding like a complete idiot, what is "wain"?
Marta J. (booksnob) - 4/9/2009 5:58 PM ET
I think the wain that you're referring to is actually "wane". A "wain" in an open farm wagon (like the kind that was used to haul hay in the "olden days").
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