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Topic: Post Office Box?

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Subject: Post Office Box?
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:04 AM ET
Member Since: 10/24/2007
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Just wondering, is there any problem using a PO Box as your mailing address?  I wouldn't think so, but I've seen a couple of comments from people saying they mail via FedEx or UPS, and they don't deliver to PO Boxes.

I'm moving, and I'm going to be living in temporary housing for a while.  I rented a PO Box to get my mail in the interim.  I could just put my account on vacation hold, but I hate to lose the chance at any books on my wish list - I know I'll keep my position while I'm on hold, but a couple of the books on my list only get posted once every few months.  Plus, I can still mail out books while I'm in temporary housing.  So using the PO box address would be helpful.




gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:16 AM ET
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Nope, shouldn't be any problem with a PO box at all.  UPS and FedEx do need a street address to deliver to but I would say the vast majority of PBSers use the USPS to send books out.

fangrrl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:36 AM ET
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I've not received any books UPS or FedEx, so you're probably fine.  Maybe add an RC for members who may use alternate mail services, do you have anyone that could received your mail c/o?

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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 11:08 AM ET
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My address is a PO Box and it has not been any problem.
Shiner avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 11:14 AM ET
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I have to use a PO Box, mailmen don't deliver in the sticks!!  I've had no issues receiving my books!!

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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 11:15 AM ET
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I've never had a problem with using my P O Box to receive books. When I went to get one years ago, there were no small ones available, and I was a bit irked at having to pay for a medium one, but now that I get books regularly (many trade size), it's turned out a plus!

The box was intended to be a temporary situation, but I've found it more convenient to keep it as my primary address (the P. O. is only a few blocks away). One of the private companies (Fed Ex?) has an agreement with the Post Office for delivery to boxes.


vampsita avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 1:24 PM ET
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I have also never received anything from PBS shipped Fed Ex or UPS.

If you really think you should go on hold, then set all of your WL books to auto-request and maybe purchase a few credits from someone in the Bazaar just in case.

Personally, I would just use the PO Box. I think it's highly unlikely you'll run across one of the few people who uses a shipping method other than USPS.

pioneervalleygirl avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 6:35 PM ET
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I have a p.o. box, too, and UPS actually delivered a package to me there from Yankee Candle! I asked the postal clerk about that and she told me UPS delivers packages there quite often.  I had been tracking the package at and it said it was 'delivered'. I hadn't gotten a notice at my home about a failed delivery, and when I went to the p.o. to get mail the box was there.  Gail

AlisaLea avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 7:10 PM ET
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I'm the shipping manager at work and we use both UPS and FedEx.  I can't imagine why anybody would use either one to mail their PBS packages.  It's much more expensive than the post office. 

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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 9:34 PM ET
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Perhaps there are a few members who can ship stuff non-USPS at company expense (legitimately ... or not) from their workplace, as opposed to having to go to a Post Office, and fork over their own cash? Many years ago, I worked in a shipping dept where one of the higher-up secretaries every so often would bring in a personal item to send UPS, and we would quote her the cost before entering the item in the outgoing UPS packages log; I understood she had an agreement that she'd add that amount to her office's petty cash box for the occasional package.

Last Edited on: 5/7/09 9:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:43 PM ET
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We ship UPS from work.  Daily pickup, corporate acct so it's the lowest rate going.  Unless you're sending a big box of books, even that's not going to be cheaper than USPS Media Mail.

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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 10:53 AM ET
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Some folks would prefer the convenience of shipping from work, rather than schlepping to a P. O. during working hours. If you can UPS a package from work without it costing you anything, even more incentive not to use USPS.

To return to the original post, I'd bet non-USPS shipments are few and far between.

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Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:09 PM ET
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I suspect even if folks use UPS/FedEx,  they can use USPS.   I've seen several members with PO addresses, so should be fine.