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Topic: Post Your Prayer Requests/Answers

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clariail avatar
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Subject: Post Your Prayer Requests/Answers
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 1:48 PM ET
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I'm sure that there are many prayer warriors that are members of PBS and would love to pray for you and any requests that you might have.

Please post your requests here and when any are answered, please post those also. 

Pass the word to your buddies that we have this.

As an additional encouragement to others I am going to start a PTL thread also. This will be for anything - answer to prayer, just because we have an awesome God, or to lift someone else's spirits.

Thanks everybody!

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clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 3:53 PM ET
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I have a special prayer request please..  My dear friend in IN called me, her mother (86) fell and broke her hip and has had surgery and not doing so good and this am at 4:30 I got a call her dad collapsed at home getting ready to go back to the hospital, he was having severe chest pains, they found a very large anyorism around the heart and he is near death..  they are going to try to do surgery this am at 7:30 and his chances aren't good.. please pray for my friend and her family, they are so shocked and in pain, they are meeting in the chapel this morning before surgery and at 9:00am they want to meet again and ask for any who can to please pray at that time , God said where two are gathered..  please if you can pray with us, thank you for everything, your kindness and prayers .. everything, God Bless you all....

From Marti W. (heavenbound)

ShaylaB avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 8:40 PM ET
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My mom was just cleared for breast cancer but they found a nodule IN her thyroid.  She had a sonogram on it today...she should know more by Wed. May 13th...either needle biopsy or schedule surgery on that day depending on what the sonogram says.  Dr. says a 1 in 20 chance it is cancer.  Thank you in advance for your prayers!!  They mean the world to me!

Last Edited on: 5/5/09 8:40 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
faith4jesus avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 9:23 PM ET
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Prayer for healing -

I have a few chronic illnesses.

The main one is a bladder disease called "IC" which is where the lining of your bladder is flared up. Pretty much like a never ending bladder infection. A lot of symptoms are like a bladder infection but there is none. I am unable to eat foods high in acid such as most fruits & other high acid foods. I can get in a lot of pain too.

Along with IC comes many over lapping illnesses too that I have such as IBS, migraines, sinus problems, joint problems, chronic tiredness, low immune system, allergies, TMJ & many more.

I'm only 33 but honestly at times I feel a lot others.

I have to take a lot of pills daily and plus other pills to help with the pain and other problems I have.

Worst of all I'm sick a lot which keeps me out of church, family get togehters and other fun things.

Please pray for full health and for me to be normal.

I homeschool my kids and try hard to be a good wife and mom. I often feel like a failure because of my illness. This brings on depression too.

clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 10:10 PM ET
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Will be praying for your Mother, Shayla, and her test.

Praying for you also Ashley.

clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/5/2009 10:15 PM ET
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Update from Marti W. (heavenbound)

Thank you for your prayers and concern for my friend and her family..  her dad came out of surgery about an hour ago and he is stable they said the drs said they wouldn't know the extent of the damage done for at least 48 hrs, he may have to go on dialysis or be paralyzed from the waist down..  he is doing well so far though he had to be left open because they have a leak around the area where they removed the anyorism and want to repair that yet tonight..  but he has survived the surgery and if everything goes ok for the next 48 hrs he wil need a long rehab time in the hospital and then in a rehab unit for at least 12-14 weeks..  thank you so much for your prayers.. they were indeed answered.  I will keep you up on him if anything changes..  have a good night and God bless you all for everything.. hugs and prayers to you all,  Marti

clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 11:06 AM ET
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Marti W. has a urgent prayer request, Russ (from previous posts) took a turn for the worse this morning about 6:30 am and it is serious.. He was put into an induced coma and a ventilator at 100% use, and his hands and feet have turn black, and they can't get one of his pressures up it should be 60 or so and won't come above 30 and they are asking all the family to come or be on standby, please pray for him and the family, my girlfriend said the dr said it will be  touch and go all day if he can make it..  thank you so much for being here to help us thru this sad time.  God bless you all, hugs and prayers to you ..  

clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 4:18 PM ET
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A friend of my asked for a co-worker of her husband's whose name is Audrey.  They had just been with her Sunday and Monday Audrey had a brain aneuryism.  They are expected to remove her from life support today.  Please remember her family.

clariail avatar
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Subject: National Day of Prayer
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:17 AM ET
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Today is the National Day of Prayer so remember to pray for our country.  The following suggestions for prayer are from "Prayer... America's Hope" prayer guide.

1.  Pray for the nation as you would like to see it in the years to come.  Intercede for our government, our judges, military, churches and our schools.  Pray for your own family's future generations.

2.  Thank God for the blossoming leaders of our nation.  As a young person, consider asking God to challenge you to a greater position of leadership.

3.  Thank God that He is moved to action by our prayers.  Ask God how He would use you as an instrument of change.

4.  Pray for those in authority over you.  Thank God that by lifting our leaders in intercessory prayer, our hearts are also changed.  Enjoy the healing power as it washes over you.

5.  Thank God that every single one of us can experience divine power before the throne of Grace.

6.  Thank God for raining down mercy on us, and ask that we would see a time of revival and a time of renewal like we've never known.

1 Timothy 2:1-2
"I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life..."

Last Edited on: 5/7/09 11:13 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 5/7/2009 10:49 AM ET
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Thanks Cynthia - great reminders.

stevielyn avatar
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 1:38 PM ET
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Cynthia, Thank you for setting up this wonderful site! I will pray also for the ones that need prayer.

I would also like to ask for prayer for my book store. I just opened it in February and for a few weeks I did wonderfully well. Sales have dropped dramtically in recent weeks and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to pay my rent on the place. I love books and this is a dream come true for me to be able to supply people with used books. My prices are comperable to the other book stores in the area and I've even tried doing specials and I even have coupons in one of our local free papers. I can't afford to place and ad in the big newspaper. Please pray that business will pick up so that I'll be able to meet my bills and have a small profit (to go to book sales to purchase some new stock) I have not drawn a pay check since I've been here and my sister in law has been working with me as well and hasn't drawn a pay check either.

Thank you to all for your prayers.


dancingqueen18 avatar
Date Posted: 5/11/2009 12:03 AM ET
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Hi Cynthia, great idea!  I would like to ask for prayer for my family tomorrow.  We'll be traveling to FL from North Georgia, it will take about 10 hours.  Thank you in advance!

cmoh avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 5:29 PM ET
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I'm going to be rather selfish here...

I just found out I was pregnant on Friday, about 2 weeks ago I went in for surgery (suspicious lump) the surgery went well and the lump was benine (however you spell that) however I was put under heavy anestesia (another word I can't spell) long story short I am worried about Baby K.  Please keep the unexpected addition to our family in your prayers...

ShaylaB avatar
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Date Posted: 5/11/2009 9:07 PM ET
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Caroline---I don't think that is selfish at all!!  You know what sometimes prayers are selfish & that's okay :)  I'll be praying for your baby & for you to have peace about it! 


I have another friend Robin's cancer started in her breast about 5-6 yrs ago.  Late last year she was told it was back in other areas, & now we have found out it is in her brain.  She asked the drs. this past week to just give it to her straight & give her some kind of time frame...they said 6-9 months b/c it is so aggressive.  Here is the worst part she is NOT a believer.  I am praying so hard that she finds & claims Christ in these last days.  I can't imagine knowing I didn't have long to live & not have any hope, not know where I'm going.  I hate to think of where she'll spend eternity.  This is the first person I know personally that is going to die possibly an unbeliever.  Please pray she accepts Christ in these last days.  Thanks!

clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 5/14/2009 11:44 AM ET
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I will be praying for your friend Robin, Shayla.  Also for the other requests posted.

I would like everyone to pray for a friend of my husband that he works with named John.  John and his wife have been having problems and he called my husband Sunday to say that he had moved out of the house to a relatives.  Yesterday he took left work, nobody knew where he had gone and he wouldn't answer his phone.  He went to where his wife works and took her hostage for a little over an hour.  Shots were fired in the building but thankfully no one was seriously injured.  He had taken a shotgun in with him and forced his wife in the bathroom with him.  They were finally able to talk him out.  He and his whole family will need prayer.  As far as I know, I'm not sure if any of them are believers.

My DH is upset because he feels like he should have tried harder to talk to his friend yesterday.  I told him that there was no way he could have known what was in his friends head so please remember him also.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 5:54 AM ET
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Cynthia, thank you for this wonderful prayer site,  and I will be thinking and praying for you too honey, we all have so many trials and burdens right now and you need our prayers too , God bless you,

Jackie I will pray that your business picks up and you are able to pay your bills, and for you Benji too, you are always in my heart and prayers and I am here for you always, hugs and prayers,

Caroline, honey you are not being selfish, God gave you that new baby and now you need his help and He wants us to come to him when we need him and always..  I will keep you and Baby K in my heart and prayers and you and your family, take it easy sweetie and keep us posted. God Bless,

Shayla, I am so sorry to hear about your friend Robin, I will keep her in my heart and prayers and ask God to help her find her way to him, and to help you and her family thru this time.. God Bless,

I too have a prayer request, my grandson 19, had a motorcycle accident Tues. evening and had to be flown by Lifestar to the Knoxville hospital with a severe head injury and deep lacerations and bruising. he had to become stable before they can do the surgery on him and hope to do it  by Monday but he is no longer critical, but please pray for him and my daughter, she is taking it very hard and nerves at stretched tightly.. she is a cancer survivor of two surgeries and has epilepsy and is not well and this has really set her back.. I wasn't going to bother you but it is not good,so thank you for your help.. and as you know Russ was bad and he passed away last week, the family is doing ok,and just wanted to let you know.. thank you all for you love and support and prayers.. God Bless you and know you are in my prayers always,

Last Edited on: 5/17/09 5:56 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
kingsdaughter1611 avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 9:03 AM ET
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Hi, I am asking prayer for a 2 year old little boy who is the son of a missionary. He has a type of Blastoma which attacks the neverous system. It is stage 4 cancer and it is not looking good for him. The doctors have given him a 25% chance of survival. Please pray that God works a miracle here. Thanks!

daltonryan avatar
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Date Posted: 5/20/2009 12:10 AM ET
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Please pray for my brother and his wife.   Yesterday they celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary.    They have been trying for nearly all that time to have a child.  About 3-4 years ago, she was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that her chances of a pregnancy are slim, and if she does become pregnant, it would be a very risky pregnancy.  She has tried Clomid, several cycles, with no success.  They are longing for a child.   They began proceedings with an adoption agency late last year but the process is slow.   Their health insurance has no benefits for infertility treatments, so all that they have had done has been out of pocket.   About a month ago, the hospital where she worked as a social worker laid her off unexpectedly during a mass layoff there.  So things have been hard for them, please pray for God's will to work in their lives, whether a baby is in those plans or not, and that the job situation will improve. 

debm avatar
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Date Posted: 5/24/2009 12:02 AM ET
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Please pray for my uncle Bob.  He was involved in a motorcyle accident today and was evacuated to a trauma hospital.  All we know is he has some broken ribs, possible broken ankle and back trauma.  We do not know how bad the back is.

macaw avatar
Date Posted: 5/26/2009 12:41 PM ET
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Thank you for starting this thread.

My aunt Peggy is still battling breast cancer and has 2 more chemo treatments to go. Every time she has one she is sick for days and has lots of joint pain.  So please pray for her!

My stepdaughter Mandy is in need of prayer.  I will leave this need unspoken, but God knows.

For my stepson Mike Jr. who is just getting out of jail today....lots of prayer.  He has been in and out of jail for most of his life, so living on the "outside" is tough.  Pray that he will give his life to God.

For me and my husband, so many little health problems....none life threatening, but together they can seem daunting. I have plantar fasciitis and knee arthritis, both together have slowed me down quite a bit (and I love walking, so this is tough for me.)  Pray for God's healing touch!

Thank you so much, and all of you are in my prayers daily.


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Date Posted: 6/1/2009 9:25 PM ET
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Thank you for all your prayers for my friend and grandson.. he has surgery in the morning and the prognosis is good, and Naomi started the chemo this morning and the drs have changed the prognosis to 2-4 months if the chemo doesn't do anything for her..  and I have a praise report my oldest son has come back to the Lord and I wanted to share this wonderful news with you.. thank you so much for all your prayers and please  know I am remembering each of your requests, God be with you all and comfort you.. he is the great physician and healer and will help us all I am confident.. Blessings always

ShaylaB avatar
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Date Posted: 6/2/2009 9:28 PM ET
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Updates on my ealier posts:

My mom's biopsy on the mass in her thyroid came back clear, but she still has to have the mass & half of her thyroid removed since the mass is so big.  Her surgery is Tuesday, June 9th, her name is Suzanne.  Although the biopsy came back clear the dr. says he won't be satisfied until the path. report comes back after the mass is taken out.  I feel good though that the first biopsy showed no cancer.  My mom is nervous about the surgery b/c her throat will have to be (as she puts it) slit.  Please pray for the dr. performing the surgery & for my mom to have some peace.

My friend Robin that has been given a short time to live still has not accepted Christ.  She has also asked that people STOP calling her & asking her to go to church, etc.  Pray for a miracle here, this is totally out of anyone's hands here on earth.

Thank you!

macaw avatar
Date Posted: 6/7/2009 12:47 PM ET
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Please add my stepson Ricky to your prayer lists.  He is traveling cross-country by himself to visit his grandparents. He didn't want to fly, so he is taking the Greyhound bus.  Pray that he will be safe and there will be no problems.

Thank you!

Also please pray for my husband's friend, John.  He has just been diagnosed with lymphoma.  He also has to undergo dialysis 3 times a week for kidney failure. Understandably, he's depressed.  So any prayers you can send up for him would be much appreciated!

Last Edited on: 6/8/09 1:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
clariail avatar
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Date Posted: 6/8/2009 12:11 PM ET
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I would to ask all of you to please be in prayer for the family of a close friend of my husband's.  He and his wife have had some very serious marriage problems lately and last night he apparently committed suicide.

My DH races lawnmowers and this was his racing buddy and they also work together so he is pretty broken up about it.  He had called me from work to tell me.

adopteesministry avatar
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Date Posted: 6/14/2009 12:12 AM ET
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Asking for prayers for God's direction in an Adoption Ministry I have been involved with for 13 years in Chicagoland area for 10 years/and previously in Indianapolis. I am an adult adoptee and have facilitated a peer support group called Adoptees, Birth Parents and Adoptive Parents Together( at my church). I have served over 350 persons who have come through the groups for encouragement, to heal from unresolved adoption loss, to share their adoption experiences, joys and challenges and meet others. My group is only monthly and I am praying about expanding my ministry and meeting more regularly. I also would like to begin a Christian based publication to encourage adult adoptees, especially those from the closed adoption era. I have met many adult adoptees in the past decade who struggle with identity issues, issues of unresolved loss and confusion about their birth and adoption.   My passion has been to help those touched by adoption to embrace their identity in the Lord and heal from any unresolved adoption loss.

Would love to hear from any other adult adoptees, birth parents or adoptive parents who may be on this prayer list. Blessings, Jody M, Naperville IL.

PS. I have previously been the editor of Adoption Blessings Journal and also co-editor of Jewel Among Jewels Adoption Newsletter with Sherrie Eldridge.
