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Topic: Postable condition

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grendelynn avatar
Subject: Postable condition
Date Posted: 9/26/2007 2:19 PM ET
Member Since: 8/15/2005
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Okay, I'm leaning toward received with a problem here, give me your opinions, and if it's not tell me why, so I don't give the person who sent this to me a bad mark for no reason.  Of course, I was due for a bad one, wasn't I?

whippoorwill avatar
Date Posted: 9/26/2007 2:23 PM ET
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Definitely was an unpostable book.  Mark it rcvd with problem.

Sorry you had to get a book like that!


grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/26/2007 2:27 PM ET
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Thanks Janelle, that's what I was thinkin'--but I wanted to be sure.

hugbandit7 avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2007 3:36 PM ET
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isn't that what they call Cleaved???  and yes, mark with a problem

surfgirl avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2007 3:45 PM ET
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Not postable. Definitely mark it "received with a problem!"

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2007 4:16 PM ET
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Leslie, while "cleaved" is no longer used in the posting guidelines, you are correct. It is cleaved. It is not postable, as the binding is not intact, as required by the PBS Posting Guidelines.

royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2007 4:43 PM ET
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I think that even goes beyond cleaved, by any definition! Well, obviously anyone except the person that sent it to you :(

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/26/2007 4:44 PM ET
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Falling apart would be my definition.  Yeah, all fixed:)

Last Edited on: 9/26/07 5:02 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 9/26/2007 8:18 PM ET
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Your book is broke!  Received with a problem, big time!!

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/27/2007 9:51 AM ET
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i have had the same thing 4 times.  in one the pages fell out when i was unwrapping the blasted thing.  the other three had pages missing, spine completely torn off.   each one of these little darlings responded to my request with refusals which escalated to verbal abuse hurled at me!  i almost quit the club.  there have been three people who requested their credits returned to me for fairly petty things.  one was because it was a 40 year old paperback book and i had pm'd her that the cover was a bit scuffed (not badly).  the other three were similar.  i promptly returned their credits with a sincere apology pm.  isn't that the way we all want to behave towards othes????

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 9/27/2007 10:15 AM ET
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Linda, when someone gets abusive to you in PM's, you should definitely report them to R&R. No one will agree on everything, but if the PM's get to name calling, obscenity or threats, it's time to have R&R take note of it.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/27/2007 9:45 PM ET
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Wow...they could have ripped the book in half and tried to get two credits for it and that would have been just as appropriate!

lleewisc avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 12:19 AM ET
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Not only is the spine cleaved, but all the words are printed backwards!  Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/28/2007 2:26 PM ET
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Yeah, I forgot to flip it around on photo booth:)  In real life the word are frontwards. 



heidiho avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 3:47 PM ET
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Okay, here I was going to post about the condition of the book I just received until I saw this..


How could anyone think that this book was postable?  Mine only had writing on the entire last page and entire inside back cover.  At least I can still hold my book without it falling apart!