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Topic: Postage Due!!!!

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Subject: Postage Due!!!!
Date Posted: 8/10/2007 7:26 PM ET
Member Since: 1/17/2006
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I just recieved a book with 71 cents postage due.... I know it doesnt seem like much, But I am annoyed! What would you do.......

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 8/10/2007 7:36 PM ET
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Hmm, first thing I would do is go to the Help Center and search for postage due and read the relevant items. After that, I would probably send the sender a PM that says "I just wanted to let you know this book arrived with 71 cents postage due. I'm not asking you to compensate me for that, but I wanted to make sure you are aware that you should not rely 100% on the estimated postage that PBS prints on the labels" (or "some stamps may have fallen off because you didn't stick them down well enough" or whatever you think the problem was.)

If the postage due was $2 or more, then I would ask for a credit as compensation -- below that, I would let it slide. That's just the amount where I personally feel the other person needs to make up for the trouble they caused. Whatever your personal position is on this, just state it clearly and politely. I've noticed the problem transactions are the ones that start with a vague PM like "there was postage due on this book". The sender can't read your mind so she has no idea whether you're just telling her there was a problem or you want her to do something about the problem.

(Unclear communication is a pet peeve of mine, not necessarily something I think you would do. Stepping off that soapbox now... :-)

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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 6:13 AM ET
Member Since: 1/17/2006
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Thank You that was a great reply! Unclear communication is a pet peeve of mine also! In fact, I came here first so I could say it and vent while I cleared my head! I know this person didnt mean to do it and I do love the book! SWo I had already decided not to ask for credit or anything, so you gave me a great example of what to say and I think I will use it...

Much appreciated! :-)

MartieKr avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 7:59 AM ET
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Well, I personally would want to know if my book caused someone to have to pay postage and I'd send them the money or the stamps to compensate. Hopefully the person would email me nicely and tell me so I could apologize profusely. That is an odd amount to be due.

surfgirl avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 11:06 AM ET
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I would want to know if one of my books arrived postage due, so I could reimburse the recipient. 

mpmarus avatar
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 1:17 PM ET
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That's such an odd amount, I'd be thinking there might be USPS involvement - like maybe she shipped first class because the book was light but forgot to mark out the "Media Mail" marking and the PO charged the diff between what she calculated for 1st Class and the actual MM rate - or the sending PO charged a Bound Printed Matter rate but someone down the line caught the MM marking & charged the diff...all I'm saying is it may be USPS "weirdness"


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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 1:20 PM ET
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I did send the person a note saying it had postage due... I do agree they need to know. BUT I didnt  put it was received with a problem ... I just put received. I really dont think they meant to have postage due.... :)

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 8/11/2007 1:28 PM ET
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Well, I'd pay the postage and get the book first--then I'd pm the sender to let them know(because, they probably just messed up, and they should know it cost you to accept the book, so they'll know better next time).  That's what I'd do.

drewsmom avatar
Date Posted: 8/11/2007 5:39 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 1/18/09 11:03 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 5:42 PM ET
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I always make a point of asking why an item is postage due before I will accept it/pay for it. I am almost always able to convince the post office to drop the charge because it is almost ALWAYS their mistake (such as mistaking what class of mail an item is). I've never had a serious problem with a PBS book. I have had a couple of Ebay items which I returned to the sellers because they deliberately used media rate for non-media items.

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Date Posted: 8/11/2007 9:15 PM ET
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Wow...I just joined and today sent out 6 books.  I can't remember which was which but I know I sent some out priority mail and some regular first class.  I didn't pay any attention to the Media mail notice.  I hope the post office gets them to the recipient.   I woud surely want to know if postage was due.  

robinmy avatar
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Date Posted: 8/12/2007 1:34 PM ET
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I've had one book delivered to me with "postage due" stamped on it.  I think it said they needed .24 cents.  I counted the postage on the book, $1.59 which was the correct media mail postage at the time.  The package was not stamped "first class" and there was no "delivery confirmation" on it.  It certainly did not weigh more than a pound.  I opened the end of the package to see if there was anything else stuck in with the book that would cancel the media mail status.  Nothing.  So, I took it to the post office to get an explanation.  They couldn't explain it and waived the postage due.  If you think the amount of postage is correct, maybe you should check with the post office to see why it was stamped "postage due".