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The Eclectic Pen - My Precious Angel

By: Roy B. (mountdewboy)   + 20 more  
Date Submitted: 11/3/2008
Genre: Uncategorized
Words: 209

  I must face this day that has come,
A day that doesn't come for some

I hate it when this day comes near.
I get all down and feel the tears

As I make a trip to the store
I so hate going thru the door

I stand there for hours it’s so hard
To go thru all of them to find that right card

As his day draws near, I sit down and sign it with my tears
Because all I can feel are the deep inner fears

That one day, I will never get to see his smiling face
For he is no longer with us, no longer in this place

This would be his 10th birthday, as most don’t know
For he left us so young, never had a chance to grow

That I have lost my first before he even got a chance to be born
Tears me apart with tears and forlorn

That I put all his unopened cards, along with a pair of sox
As I have made him, his own special wooden box

Now, I sit here all alone; cry my heart out with no one around.
I know that he comes and visits me because I can feel him around

My Precious Angel No Longer Here
But he is with me through every tear

2 Nov 2008
Roy W. Bair
With assistance by Annmarie Crepinsek

The Eclectic Pen » All Stories by Roy B. (mountdewboy)

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Comments 1 to 6 of 6
Shan C. (Shan-Bita) - - 11/3/2008 9:28 PM ET
Very good Roy, I can feel your emotions in this one. I'll have to find another poem of mine to share with you... same subject! Keep writing Shan
Virginia and John H. (holtzy) - , - 11/3/2008 11:02 PM ET
Beautiful poem, it evokes deep feeling and tears.
Lena S. (SquirrelNutkin) - 11/4/2008 4:06 PM ET
This is beautiful, it makes me 'feel' so much.
Joyce M. (j3m) - 11/6/2008 10:44 AM ET
This poem brought tears to my eyes... I could feel your pain.
Sabriena W. (hazeleyesrangeleyes) - 11/11/2008 1:46 PM ET
It's so terrible to lose a loved one. This is a beautiful poem, though. It brings a light to the feelings and habits evoked by your loss. I hope your ache lessens with time.
Kimberly Z. (chiKaD27) - , - 3/2/2009 2:37 AM ET
This truly brings out the agony you feel when you lose a loved one. I hope you continue to write more.
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