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Topic: Prices for Media Mail are going up again

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sadielynn avatar
Member of the Month medalFriend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
Subject: Prices for Media Mail are going up again
Date Posted: 4/21/2009 2:31 PM ET
Member Since: 2/2/2008
Posts: 742
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It won't be long and the Media Mail cost for shipping our books is going up again. Can't remember the date, but its not far off. Here is what the prices are looking like. I have this on a paper from the PO where I just got it yesterday. So, be on the lookout for our prices to change and here are the cost for up to 5 pounds.  I have it up to 20 pounds, but don't know to many people who send out 20 pounds of books unless your a boxer. The regular mail service will remain the same, this is just for Media Mail/Retail Large Envelopes and Parcels....

Just wanted to share this info with my PBS PAL'S...


 Weight not over     1pd  cost...$2.38

 Weight not over     2 pd cost.. $2.77

 Weight not over     3 pd cost...$3.16

 Weight not over     4 pd cost...$3.55

 Weight not over      5 pd cost....$3.94

This is just a few prices  per pound cost.

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 4/21/2009 8:40 PM ET
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It is amazing to me that you can mail almost 5 pounds for less than $4.00.    I still think it's a bargain.   Change is in May but I don't remember the exact date.

sadielynn avatar
Member of the Month medalFriend of PBS-Double Diamond medal
Date Posted: 4/21/2009 10:17 PM ET
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Hi Coz,

I knew it was May, but didn't remember the date either. I think its still a good deal too, but there are gonna be people on here that ain't gonna think to much of it being a good deal or anything else in between if you get my

I hope your in the Coffee swap again. I signed in, but didn't catch who was in or not in so far. I also got in on the Bookmark Train again, ready to ride the rails again and then signed up for the Garden Swap, that should be fun..

Heading back to Fla this Fri and Eddies cancer has now spread from his head, "where they took the tumor off his brain" to his left lung and then in between the lungs and then in his left hip. Once it got between the lungs we were sure then that it was gonna be real bad. Now, its not confined to one area that it can be fought at, it has reached the open so it will now spread quicker. I'm the baby of 7 and he is the 2nd from the oldest.

Keep the faith is all I say everyday and please keep prayers for my family.



theinfamousj avatar
Date Posted: 4/21/2009 10:53 PM ET
Member Since: 9/29/2008
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May 11th