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Topic: Problems with Email notification?

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Subject: Problems with Email notification?
Date Posted: 8/2/2007 9:26 PM ET
Member Since: 6/28/2005
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Am I the only one having problems receiving some of my PBS email notifications. I get the emails for personal messages and wish list items but I do not get the notification that a book has been requested from my shelf. If I do not go to the PBS site I miss the requests for my books. Is this a new way to get us to log into the site on a daily basis? Since I am getting some email from PBS I know the problem is not at my end. I have already notified PBS but have not yet gotten an answer. So am I the only one with this problem?
junie avatar
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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 9:38 PM ET
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You should contact R&R feedback with this.  Go to "contact us" on the bottom of each page and tell them.  As a Tour Guide, I have received a couple of Live Help Questions today complaining of the same thing.  It may be a glitch in the system.

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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 10:28 PM ET
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I already sent a notification to R&R but got no reply. Maybe there is a glitch there also.
bookaddict avatar
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Date Posted: 8/2/2007 11:20 PM ET
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Help Center sez:

I remember some folks having trouble with hotmail or yahoo (can't remember which) email a while back...the emails were going out from PBS, but hotmail/yahoo wasn't delivering them (or were holding them for some reason), and then some people reported getting them all in a bunch, days late.

Do you use yahoo or hotmail?

Last Edited on: 8/2/07 11:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Suz307 avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:04 AM ET
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I've had the same problem lately.  I get some messages, like when I order a book, but not others.  I haven't been getting any notifiying me that I have a book request waiting or that I have a PM. 

I use my home (bellsouth) account for my email, so I know it's not the yahoo or hotmail problem.  I've also checked to make sure they are not going into my spam folder and they aren't.

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 9:09 AM ET
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I didn't get some e-mails yesterday. I didn't get a book request notice or the newsletter. They didn't go to spam and I don't have Yahoo or Hotmail. I think I was getting all of my e-mails until just yesterday. Weird. I'm sure it will get fixed soon though.

Janjunebug avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 4:19 PM ET
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I've been having the same problem for several weeks now.  One day, like today, I get the Daily Wish List, and then go three or four days without getting it.  However, if I look under Club Communications, I see the Daily Wish List e-mail listed for those missing days.  Also, someone Buddied me a credit and I never got the club e-mail but found it listed under Club Communications. 

My browser and e-mail program, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, has not changed.  Previously, before July 1, I would estimate, I received everything PBS sent me and had nothing missing.  Now, I check daily under my Club Communications to see if a book request or something important has gone missing.

I checked my settings to make sure that I had the correct items checked for those e-mails that I do want to receive and those settings are still correct.



ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 6:38 PM ET
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I just received all of my missing mail at once. It may have been my mail provider doing this.

lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 8/3/2007 6:47 PM ET
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I stopped getting the newletters eons ago, dunno why as I'm signed up.  I sporadically get daily digests and daily wishlists.  There have been a time or two that I haven't gotten notices about books being ordered from my shelf or that ones I've ordered have been mailed (that one isn't as much of a biggie) but I've noticed them by logging on.  What gives?

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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 7:57 PM ET
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I'm having this problem too. Some of my notices are hours and hours late and I'm not recieving some of my order confirmations.

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 8/3/2007 8:27 PM ET
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I got a whole group of emails today from PBS.  First 45 then 32 then another 56.  Seems as if all my emails came in within 5 minutes from last night and today.   Kinda funny to sit here and watch my email numbers go up so high!!

bookbizmom avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 8:33 AM ET
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gosh, I haven't been having these problems but I better start paying closer attention!!

What I don't get is Watch Topic emails when someone replies to a post...sometimes I'll get one for the first person and that's it. Sometimes none at all...

vintagejoy avatar
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Date Posted: 8/4/2007 9:17 AM ET
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Just a suggestion, but it might help to go back to your account settings page cancel out what you have now, update it, cancel that and update it, the re-enter the settings you want. Kind of a re-boot kind of thing.  When you finally get to the settings you want, don't forget to update that too.  Otherwise each of you should probably let R&R know what troubles you are having.

lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 10:50 AM ET
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I just sent a msg to R&R.  Since my daily digest and wishlist were only sporadically coming, I've been trying to update the setting to just turn them off.  I have been unable to do so....I choose the "off" option and then try hitting update and nothing happens.  Anyone else have this problem? 

Catspaw avatar
Date Posted: 8/4/2007 12:17 PM ET
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No problems with me.  I got a message for a PM and a book request yesterday, plus a "you've earned a credit" message.

You may want to check your bulk mail or spam folder.  I did notice one PBS message in there the other day.