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Favorite Recipes: Pumpkin Pie Pudding

Recipe Author

Name: Erika B. (dweezy)
Total Recipes: 6



Pumpkin Pie Pudding

Dish: Quick & Easy
Dish Type: Dairy
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Prep Time: 5 min
Cook Time: 5 min

  • 1 small can - pumpkin puree
  • 1 large box - vanilla instant pudding
  • 1 teaspoon - pumpkin pie spice
  • - milk (enough to make pudding)

Mix milk (as called for on pudding package) with a couple spoonfulls of pumpkin puree - enough to make it a medium orange color.  Stir in spices and pudding mix.  Mix according to directions on the package. 


This is great at a little kids halloween party.  Just divide it into dixie cups and decorate the top with a mallow creme pumpkin.  (Like candy corn.)  Kids love to help make this!

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