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Topic: Question about book deal

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DebKit avatar
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Subject: Question about book deal
Date Posted: 4/17/2009 12:18 PM ET
Member Since: 2/27/2008
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I ordered books based on a deal offered here. It has been almost exactly 5 days since I ordered and PMd the member offering the deal, and they have not responded! These are books I want, but not necessarily right now...What would you do - cancel the orders before they roll over or hold out hoping they take a look and accept!?!?! I can't decide what to do, and am disappointed since it was a great assortment of books in the "freebies."  Debbie

Tata avatar
Date Posted: 4/17/2009 12:30 PM ET
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That happened to me and I pm'd her again and ask that she respond.  I got a response the second time and she is sending the books I want. 

If you haven't done it already, pm her again asking that she give you a yay or a nay.

LeMaistreChat avatar
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Date Posted: 4/17/2009 12:33 PM ET
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I would cancel the order. You can always reorder later, hopefully from the member who offered the deal --when she finally gets to her messages. If not, you can order the books individually from other members later when you feel you must have the books.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 4/17/2009 12:54 PM ET
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I'd probably cancel, not sure how long they give a person to accept before they pass the book order onto the next person holding that book. I ordered a great deal once, 1 book showed up in my mailbox and I'm thinking wth? I was really new at this. The order had been passed to the next person with that book on their bookshelf and I got that single book. Talk about disappointing.

catscritch avatar
Subject: Could be a computer problem
Date Posted: 4/17/2009 4:19 PM ET
Member Since: 7/17/2008
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Maybe their connection is down, or something has happened in the family. I'd give them a little whilie longer, maybe PM again and ask if there's a problem. Most people want to do the deals they offer, but sometimes a squirrel will get in.  But if you ordered, pm'd your freebies and the book says it's waiting for a response, then the club will cancel the request after a certain period of time automatically.

I hope your deal goes through.


DebKit avatar
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Date Posted: 4/17/2009 4:33 PM ET
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Does it cancel, or does the order go to the next poster? This was a  10 for 3, so I hate to miss out but I don't want to use the 3 credits without the deal for those books! Debbie

LeMaistreChat avatar
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Date Posted: 4/17/2009 4:43 PM ET
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If they don't accept the order within 5 days and 8 hours (that's what my most recent oder gave me to respond), it will go to the next person who has that book posted. I ordered an audio book from someone's shelf and it was taking too long, so I looked at the transaction archive and it showed as two orders: one canceled order for the member I had orginally requested it from and another pending order for someone else.

nashvillethecat avatar
Date Posted: 4/17/2009 5:06 PM ET
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If it is close the end of time for them to accept the order, I would cancel and send a PM saying that I was still interested in the deal. (and list the books in the deal) and for them to PM me back if they wanted to offer the deal again at a better time for  them.

Last Edited on: 4/17/09 5:06 PM ET - Total times edited: 1