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Topic: Question about boxed set of books

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Subject: Question about boxed set of books
Date Posted: 4/29/2009 10:06 AM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
Posts: 4
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I just joined last night and posted 10 books.  One of the books was a Lord of the Rings 4 paperbacks in a box.  I had looked at some of the boxed sets with different titles and they were 2 credits to buy them.  So stupidly I thought my 4 book set would be worth 2 credits.  Someone has already requested it, and it looks like I will only get 1 credit.  I don't think that is fair when I could list them individually and get 4 credits!   Will the person that requested the book get mad if I sellect the option of  "I cannot mail this book"?  And then I will take the book off my list of books.

peculiarbookworm avatar
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Date Posted: 4/29/2009 10:22 AM ET
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Welcome to PBS, Anita. Unfortunately, the way you posted your boxed set has to do with how it was requested. From the Help Docs:

If each of the books bears a unique ISBN, you can Post each as a separate entity

  • this way, you will earn a credit for each.

If the "box" holding the boxed set bears an ISBN, you can post with that number, BUT

  • this way, you will earn only ONE credit for the SET.

There is not a way to post the books individually yet require one member to take all of them and award you all of the credits for the one bulk request.

If you do post the books individually and want to send them all to one member:

  • you can start a topic in the Book Bazaar Discussion Forum to advise members that you have a boxed set.
  • Another member may be glad to learn of this and request all of the books from you using the bulk request "order more books from this member" feature.

Go ahead and cancel the order if you want to get a credit for each individual book. Let the requestor know you're a newbie and what you did wrong. The person might get mad, but he/she should understand your mistake and move on. Let us know how it goes!

Last Edited on: 4/29/09 10:23 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 4/29/2009 10:43 AM ET
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I would cancel and explain that you're new and didn't realize you'd only get one credit for the boxed set.  Then, start a post in the Book Bazaar that you have the boxed set and say how many credits you'd like for it.  You can ask for up to 4 credits.  That is, if you want to keep the set together.  If you don't, then list each book individually by the individual ISBNs.

We were all new once, the requestor should understand.

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Date Posted: 4/29/2009 12:17 PM ET
Member Since: 4/28/2009
Posts: 4
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Thank you both!  I did cancel with the explaination as suggested.  I'll look into posting in Book Bazaar later tonight. 

surrealthemuse avatar
Date Posted: 4/29/2009 12:20 PM ET
Member Since: 9/13/2007
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FYI, the two credit titles you were seeing are audio books.