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Topic: Question about re-mailing a book

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Subject: Question about re-mailing a book
Date Posted: 7/30/2007 1:01 AM ET
Member Since: 5/18/2007
Posts: 6
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Hi, I'm relatively new to PBS but I have  question.  *waves*

I sent a book out a couple of months ago (I think end of May) that wasn't received.  The requestor noted that it wasn't received and I think it got marked as lost in the mail (not sure though).

I got it in the mail last week with some damage to it (mostly superficial damage, although the wrapping was totally ripped.  I was able to clean up most of the dirt and muck from the cover though).  I sent it back to the original requestor, this time with delivery confirmation (mainly because I wasn't sure I got the address right from the ripped packaging).  I included a note saying they had originally requested this book and hopefully I had cleaned it up well enough to be useful to them.  The book was a bigger book, not a regular paperback fiction.

Is this ok, I didn't know what else to do and I felt bad that the requestor hadn't received it originally.  Thanks for any help!

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 7/30/2007 1:20 AM ET
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It's fine. Once they receive it they should  mark it received from their Transaction Archive where it will be as a lost book.


ABCatHome avatar
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Date Posted: 7/30/2007 2:02 AM ET
Member Since: 9/18/2005
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It is totally fine to do this.  However, I might add one thing.  :)  Should this happen again (which the likelihood is minimal that it woud happen to YOU, but could happen to others), you might try PM'ing the person first and make sure they still want it.  Since it went lost (and could have been a Wish List book for that person) they will have been put back in line in their orginal position for that book again.  So, in essence, they might have already received a copy of this book and will now have two copies.  

Also, this is from the Help Center:


  • If USPS does return your book to you, and it is undamaged:


    • You should ask the requestor (using the PM button on the Lost transaction in your Transaction Archive) if she still wants it. 
    • If she does, you can re-send it.  If she does not, you can repost it.


    Just wanted to add that thought.

  • Last Edited on: 7/30/07 2:02 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
    achadamaia avatar
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    Date Posted: 7/30/2007 2:29 AM ET
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    I think a PM is a good thing before sending.  Just to give the person the option.  I sent out a book that went lost.  Then it came back to you in one of those special post office wrappers.  It was in excellent shape when I sent it, but when I got it back, the cover had huge creases in it.  I PMed the person just to make sure they still wanted it and so they knew what the situation was.

    Generic Profile avatar
    Date Posted: 7/30/2007 11:02 AM ET
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    Thanks for the responses.  I didn't even think of PM'ing the person.  I was poking around last night and found the archive database of all the transactions I've done and found the one where the book was lost.  D'oh!