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Topic: Question about whether a book is postable or not

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Subject: Question about whether a book is postable or not
Date Posted: 7/21/2007 9:15 AM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2005
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I received a box of books the other day, and two of the books in the box had a person's name written on the side of the book opposite the binding (looks like a person might have had it for school).  There is no other writing in these books.  Are they postable?


royaltech avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 9:39 AM ET
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Hi, Theresa! I believe they actually added this to the Help Center somewhere. There was a big discussion on it a while back. Yes, it is acceptable. I'll see if I can find the section.

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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 9:51 AM ET
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Well, I can't find it, but I remember it caused a big brewhaw when they first said it wasn't ok, then said it was, they put it in and then changed it and I think they might have taken it back out. hahahaha

The consensus of the discussion was that it shouldn't be like totally obliterating the edges, but that sooo many kids especially write their name on the edges of the books, that it would eliminate a large percentage of them, and since remainder marks & marking by libraries & bookcrossers were acceptable, why not names.

Like I say, I thought it got into the Help Center, but then they commented on being too nitpicky with the rules and making one up for every little thing that came along, so I think they took it back out. I don't remember which it was that was involved in the conversation, but it might have been Robert, I don't remember for sure, tho.

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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 1:11 PM ET
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Thanks Sherry for your info.


mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 7/21/2007 1:38 PM ET
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Theresa, here it is from the book condition section:


No writing or highlighting on text pages

  • a signature or note on the flyleaf is OKAY
anniebammy avatar
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Date Posted: 8/10/2007 1:24 PM ET
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I too have a question about postable books.

I have a workbook which is used in conjunction with a text book.  I posted both, and sent the text book to someone who requested it.  I PM'd the guy and told him about the workbook - that it was missing a few pages (worksheets) but the book was 998-99% intact, and still quite usable.  He declined that book and PBS deleted it from my bookshelf.

This book wasn't cheap to purchase, after all it was a text book work book, and even though a few worksheets were removed, the majority of the book was good.  I would think someone would be interested in this book - to save the expense of buying it from the college or other bookstore.

Is this an acceptable book to post?

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L. G. (L)
Date Posted: 8/10/2007 1:33 PM ET
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Ann, no, not with missing pages.  Sorry.  You can offer it bfree with an order in the Book Bazaar forum, though.