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Topic: Quick Credits not going through at all

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CozyLover avatar
Subject: Quick Credits not going through at all
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 7:59 PM ET
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Every time I've printed used the new print postage feature with the DC, the DC numbers either do not get scanned (even upon delivery) , or they do get scanned and I still don't receive the credit. 

This week  I've had 4 books that the credit was never received on the books until

1) I forwarded the DC info to R & R to show it was scanned and/or delivered  or

2) the person actually physcially marks the book received.

Just wanted to know how many others are having this issue as it is very disheartening to pay the extra fees for a service to have it not work properly!

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:05 PM ET
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I have noticed it happening with most of the books I have mailed using the PBS postage & DC. I know they said there was an issue between the PO & the site a few days ago but, doesn't seem to have been cleared up yet.

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:09 PM ET
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I just got credit  for a book I sent with DC 5 days ago. I got credit when the person marked it received. I like being able to print postage and mail from home, but I feel like I paid for something I didn't get. I could have sent it without DC and got the same result. I think I'll go back to taking it in to the PO and have them scan it.

bookaddicted avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:11 PM ET
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I think I'll go back to taking it in to the PO and have them scan it.

My PO WON'T scan them when I bring them in. All my mail is delivered to a PO box and I go to the counter daily to pick up or drop off mail. They used to scan when I brought them in but I think the Postmaster told them not to anymore.

CozyLover avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:14 PM ET
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I'll probably go back to having them scanned at the PO too.  when I did it that way I always got my credits in less than 24 hours. I feel like I paid for something I didn't get too.


Cleo798 avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:17 PM ET
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I paid for PBS DC, but did not pay for the postage through PBS. I DID receive my quick credit for my book that I mailed earlier this week today. So the system is working at least in some capacity. But, again, I did not buy the postage through PBS.

CozyLover avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 8:22 PM ET
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The problem definitely seems to be with the postage/DC combo.  The few books I did with just DC went through fine.  I know they have been trying to work it out with the PO, but it does stink to have the system fail so utterley!

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:00 PM ET
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CozyLover avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:07 PM ET
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I think the fee to add to your account is only if you use paypal.  I remember that I was going to do it with paypal once and decided not to because of that!  Now I just use my check card.

I only use the DC when credits are low, but I did like printing the postage from home because I've been tight on time and it made things easier. But, if it doesn't work correctly it is not worth the extra fees to do it!

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:13 PM ET
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It shows up in the shopping cart regardless of how you pay.

edited to add: the "processing" or whatever fee--it applies to anything you buy in the kiosk, apparently. There is a whole thread about it...

Last Edited on: 9/12/07 9:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
pattiea avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:35 PM ET
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I have mailed four books this week with the new printable postage (two were just mailed this morning, to be fair) and have not received quick credit for any of them.  I hope they fix this problem with USPS soon.  I really liked old DC (except for having to make the trip to the post office), but I agree with the person who said the new system feels like I am paying for something I am not getting. 

Bravescatz avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:36 PM ET
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Yep, the fee is there for everything now, even buying credits doesn't matter how you pay.

My first one took two days, my second one I mailed yesterday hasn't been scanned yet.

LM avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 9:58 PM ET
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Yep, me too.  I had the PO scan both of the books I sent this week.  I haven't gotten the quick credit at all. 

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 10:09 PM ET
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My PBS DC on postage I purchased last Friday came in over the weekend when it was scanned at the PO in Dallas (2 days later). Then it showed up overnight (the next processing time at PBS). Book is still traveling.

Have you checked the DC numbers at USPS to see if the package was scanned by the USPS? If it doesn't show up there, it can't show up here. On the first PBS postage, it was scanned by USPS but the quick credit never showed up here. On the second, the quick credit came at the next PBS processing time after it showed up scanned by USPS.

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 10:14 PM ET
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junie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 10:49 PM ET
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I really liked old DC (except for having to make the trip to the post office), but I agree with the person who said the new system feels like I am paying for something I am not getting."

That's not really true; you are paying for "quick credit" and also "credit assurance",  in case the book goes lost you will not be out a credit.  And you CAN still use the old DC if you like since you have a choice when you print the wrapper.  You also are supporting PBS by using DC.  

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Date Posted: 9/12/2007 10:51 PM ET
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Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/13/2007 7:27 AM ET
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I am having the same problem.  If you leave feedback and include the DC number they will credit you manually.

I have two more that didn't show up again.  I am going to give it another week and if it still isn't working, I guess I am back to going to the PO

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 7:31 AM ET
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One that I sent out on the 8th FINALLY came through with a quick credit yesterday...and it wasn't that it took that long to be scanned, it was scanned on the 8th later in the day at the regional distribution center...but it took the extra 3 1/2 days to get that scan communicated to the PBS system, apparently. I wonder if some of the other weird site glitches that have been happening lately are also affecting the communication between the USPS and the PBS computers?


Last Edited on: 9/13/07 7:32 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
pattiea avatar
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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 10:37 AM ET
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That's not really true; you are paying for "quick credit" and also "credit assurance",  in case the book goes lost you will not be out a credit. 

Thanks, Junie, I'd forgotten that you can still get a credit even if USPS never scans the DC bar code. 

FWIW, my first book under the new system was delivered yesterday according to DC and USPS; the receiver marked it received in PBS today, and that's when I got credit.

CozyLover avatar
Date Posted: 9/13/2007 11:37 AM ET
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I had another book that was scanned and delivered but the QC never went through.  Out of all the ones I have mailed using the new postage/DC combo none of them have been credited even when scanned en route & upon delivery.

I didn't realize there was a .50 charge for using the kiosk no matter how you pay. I know before it was when you paid through paypal but not if you used the PBS check out. 

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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 1:13 PM ET
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This is starting to annoy me.  I'm worried about the book I mailed.  I LIKE being able to follow it and I PAID to be able to follow it.  It's NOT the quick CREDIT that I was so worried about it's the fact that I know where the book is, well, I know the book is MOVING anyway, and now I've got no idea where it is except that it's never been scanned and the person hasn't gotten it, WHAT DID I PAY FOR????????????????

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 1:23 PM ET
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You paid for DELIVERY confirmation. I think the problem is that so many people are used to taking the books to the post office and having them scanned right in front of them. And w/ in 24 hrs - when PBS hooks up w/ the USPS website you get your credit. Now with printable postage you're dropping your books in the little blue boxes on the corner or at the post office. They aren't being scanned immediately - so therefore you aren't getting your "quick credit". And there may be some instances where a person does mark the book received before the quick credit shows up. This can happen if the book is scanned at delivery like it's supposed to, the person comes home, marks their book received -- and then 24 hrs later the USPS website and PBS hook up.  Is the wording of "quick credit" misleading? Sure, it can be. But  it all boils down to when the book is scanned. For those who used to go inside and drop off your packages and have them scanned in front of you - I see  your frustration, but the system is working the way it should. 

Last Edited on: 9/13/07 1:25 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Guinan avatar
Date Posted: 9/13/2007 1:35 PM ET
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You paid for DELIVERY confirmation. I think the problem is that so many people are used to taking the books to the post office and having them scanned right in front of them.


Actually the problem is many of the books aren't getting scanned upon delivery either!  In fact the last book I sent did get scanned at this post office, while previous didn't get scanned at either my or the destination post office and all were sent the exact same way, online postage media mail with DC purchased through PBS.

It's a glitch, whether or not it's fixable I don't know since it definitely seems to depend on who is manning the scanner that day if they feel like scanning or not.

a darn shame because as excited as I was to have the online postage feature, this is definitely one of the factors that is going to keep me from using it at PBS.

thebookpimp avatar
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Date Posted: 9/13/2007 1:41 PM ET
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Tammy -- I think it's a combination of both.

It's a glitch, whether or not it's fixable I don't know since it definitely seems to depend on who is manning the scanner that day if they feel like scanning or not

Unfortunately this makes it  a USPS problem and not a PBS problem. PBS is fulfilling their end of the deal.
