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Favorite Recipes: Quick And Easy Creamy Potato Soup

Recipe Author

Name: Bill G. (BillGo) - ,
Total Recipes: 1



Quick And Easy Creamy Potato Soup

Dish: Other
Dish Type: Other
Cooking Method: Stove Top
Difficulty: 1 / 10
Servings: 12- 15
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 20 - 25 minutes

  • 8- 10 medium - potatoes
  • 1 medium - onion
  • 1 package - cream gravy mix
  • 2-3 tbps - parsley flakes
  • - water

Cut potatoes into medium to large chunks, chop onion and add to potatoes. Cover with water and bring to a boil, then turn heat down to simmer. While potatoes are cooking  - about 15- 20 minutes- prepare the gravy mix( I prefer Southeastern Mills) per directions. Break potatoes up with a large spoon( I like it chunky) and add prepared gravy mix, add parsley flakes, let cool and enjoy! will keep in fridge for several days. I have not tried freezing, but it might be ok.  


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Maryline O. (acadia)
9/18/2009 1:49 PM ET
this sounds good will give it a try, thank you.