Name: Katherine A. (solveig)
Total Recipes: 2
Mix all of the wet ingredients together until smooth and well incorporated. Add in salt, sugar, and baking powder and mix well. Add flour slowly while mixing and stir until smooth. The batter will be sort of bubbly once you let is sit for a few minutes while you preheat a skillet.
Pour batter in about 1/4 cup rounds in the skillet. When bubbles form and burst and edges look dry, flip and cook until golden brown.
Makes about 12-15 pancakes
These are a little sweet and can be a great dessert.
If you prefer, use buttermilk and half the sugar for a less sweet pancake.
Top with syrup, whipped cream, brown sugar, sliced strawberries, preserves or any other prefered pancake topping.
Great for a quick homemade breakfast!