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Topic: RC Question

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Bast avatar
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Subject: RC Question
Date Posted: 10/31/2007 3:51 PM ET
Member Since: 6/4/2006
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Is there a way to see a requestor condition after a book was sent? I was told today that a book I sent violated a RC for smoking, and I never accept RCs for smoking, so I'm really confused as to how this happened. I am, of course, going to refund the person's credit, but I'd really like to know if I can check to see if a RC popped up when I said I would send the book.

michelleanddavid avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 3:55 PM ET
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I had the same thing happen to me  a few weeks ago- it confused me because when I sent it out I am almost sure there were no conditions and then when the person got it I got a violation for ex library book. I was wondering if maybe they did it after I had already sent the book out. Can they do it that way?

Bast avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 3:59 PM ET
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Yes, they can add RC any time. I am not picking on the other person, obviously, but I simply do not accept any conditions regarding smoking. And she said this book reeked, which was odd, as it came from a non-smoking friend of mine... I guess I'm too sensitive, but this has really upset me.

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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 4:17 PM ET
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Sherri - this would bother me too.     I think I'd ask her nicely WHEN she added that RC.    I don't mind anyone's conditions but am very careful to NOT send the book if it doesn't meet the conditions.         This just doesn't seem right to me.

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 4:29 PM ET
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I would send a feedback to R&R and ask. If she added a RC, they'd be able to tell if it was AFTER you accepted the book.

Also....sometimes I see people post that "I have on my profile" that I want this or that, or don't want this or that, and they think THAT is an RC...not realizing that the person posting the book often never even sees their profile! So maybe she has it written there and THINKS it was an RC and doesn't know how to make a real one. But I'd check with R&R.


Bast avatar
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Date Posted: 10/31/2007 4:32 PM ET
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Thanks, Cozette, and Cheryl! I'll email R&R.

Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2007 9:51 AM ET
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I just wanted to update this thread, as I had this issue come up just a couple of days ago. I had been to my FOL sale and posted a bunch of books, many of which were wishlisted. Obviously during that time I was being especially cognizant of any Requestor Conditions specifying "no ex-library books" since that's what the great majority of these books were, and there were no such conditions that popped up.

A few days later, I got a PM from the receiver of one of my books asking for their credit back, as the book I'd sent violated their "no library books" condition. I started scratching my head...I mean, I am not perfect, but I was pretty darn sure none of those popped up during that time. I pm'd the receiver back and asked her to please wait til I could check with R&R on this...I have had people try to 'scam' me before, and while I certainly didn't want to accuse this member of trying to do that, her profile and book/wish lists were private and that always tends to make me a bit suspicious. I also was relatively certain that there had been NO ex-library RCs. So I sent a feedback to to R&R and heard back a couple of days later. Sure enough, there was a brief glitch in the system that caused RC's not to be shown for awhile--apparently only a few requests were affected--and Robert was able to track it down and verify that indeed I had NOT seen her condition when I accepted the request, so it wasn't my fault. They refunded the member's credit and put her back at #1 on the WL and I had peace of mind so I knew I wasn't going nuts!! LOL

So, the moral of the story always pays to check if you are SURE you did something right and another member is saying otherwise! The issue wasn't that I couldn't afford to give the member back her credit--had R&R said, "sorry, that condition was there, you must've missed it" I would have happily refunded her credit--probably would have given her two because I'd have felt really bad--and vowed to be more careful next time. But it bugged me because it was something I'd paid special attention to, so it was for my own peace of mind that I checked with the founders.


beadnread avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2007 10:23 AM ET
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Another glitch in the system that happened to me - if the requestor is using a Mac running Safari when they set their conditions, their conditions will show up for them but not for everyone else (not sure if they only show for other Mac users or what). At any rate, this  resulted in me getting many, many books that didn't meet my conditions in the beginning but I had absolutely no idea that PBS had a problem with safari. I went in and re-wrote my settings using Firefox, and the problem was fixed for me. Don't know if this glitch still exists, but it is something to keep in mind if a requestor says their conditions weren't met and the sender didn't realize they had any conditions.  Carol nn

bookaholic avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2007 10:29 AM ET
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Having your conditions in your profile alone is only  going to create more problems and hard feelings down the line. I for one don't  always have the time to read someone's profile before getting their book in the mail and really you shouldn't have to. Their conditions should be upfront before you agree to sending them a book. 

Bast avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2007 11:11 AM ET
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I'd like to update this thread, also - I did hear from R&R, and yes, there was a glitch.

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Date Posted: 11/10/2007 7:53 PM ET
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No hard feelings, but I'd like to point out that not everyone who has their profile and lists kept privately are suspicious!  The internet is a vast playground for many.  :D

Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 11/12/2007 10:22 AM ET
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There is a good reason the requestor conditions come up on a brightish pink pop up screen...........!!