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Topic: Rank these Series!

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vampsita avatar
Subject: Rank these Series!
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 1:54 PM ET
Member Since: 1/23/2009
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Night Huntress (Jeaniene Frost)

Dark Days (Jocelynn Drake)

The Hollows (Kim Harrison)

Werecats (Rachel Vincent)

The Sign of the Zodiac (Vicki Pettersson)

Anita Blake (Laurell K Hamilton)

Southern Vampire (Charlaine Harris)

I want to know which series you prefer and why; the strengths and weaknesses of each series; you favorite paranormal/non-paranormal male hottie, and whatever else you want to reflect on about the above series. Note: I read all of these series, and only 100% up to date on Laurell K. Hamilton and Vicki Pettersson. Please keep your responses as spoiler-free for any "newbies" that stumble across this post.

Last Edited on: 5/17/09 2:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
kalynn avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 3:01 PM ET
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1.  Southern Vampire (Charlaine Harris)- Pros: I like the writing and the characters.  I find it light and funny but still emotionally involving.  Cons: Ocassionally it trips into annoying if I'm not in the right mood.  I've read all of them but the newest one.

2.  The Hollows- Pros: I like the action and the intricate world building.  The story arc is interesting, and I like that the main character keeps evolving.  Cons: The latest one veered off the demon story line everyone wanted to tell a banshee storyline that no one really did.  I am happy she finally got back to the murder, but if I had to lose a character that I loved a few books back (still can't reread that one) I want more about the demons and the elves, darn it. 

I can't decide between the next 2 so I'm putting them in as a tie

3 (tie).  Night Huntress- Pros: The stories are exciting, and the hero is lovely.  The heroine is getting better. Cons: Kat, especially in the first book can be a whiny brat, so I don't really know what Bones saw in her (not to mention everyone else).  Also, the books really rely on you having read them all and even then I find myself having to go back and reread to figure out things that the author should quickly explain to remind anyone who didn't memorize her books.

3 (tie) Werecats: Pros: I like the story and the world building and how the individual plots work in with the overarching story arc.  Cons: Faythe and her constant "Daddy" whining and the fact that it's kind of "Bitten" with cats.

4.  Anita Blake- the first ones are awesome and would have been higher.  The latest ones seem to be the "everyone has sex with Anita" show.  I actually like the Merry Gentry books better

The others I didn't read and so can't comment

Last Edited on: 5/17/09 3:02 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Tata avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 4:29 PM ET
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I am new in the paranormal genre.

Here is what I have read:

The first two books of the Sookie Stackhouse series.  I loved it.  I hope the rest are as good.  They are such quick reads and interesting.  I am so looking forward to getting the rest of the series.  Bk number 3 is on its way.  Yeah.  I am thinking that Eric must be a hottie.  Pros:  Good writing, interesting characters, good story lines.  Cons:  It seems that all the of people killed are friends of Sookie's. 

Antia Blake.  I am now reading Bk. 1 and so far I really like it.  It does get carried away a little but the writing is extremely good.  Pros:  I like the leading character.  She is a strong, independent woman and I like that.  Cons:  I did not like the whole "rat scene" at all.  I think it took away from an otherwise good story line.

I  tried to read "Dead End Dating" by Kimberly Raye but couldn't get past the second chapter.  I don't know why, but I didn't like it.  To me there were no pros, only cons.  Let me know, Jennifer, what you think.

Eta:  Added a Con to Sookie



Last Edited on: 5/17/09 5:00 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Cindy84 avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 4:41 PM ET
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Well, the only series I have read is Werecats by Rachel Vincent. I've read books 1 and 2. I liked em. The rest are on my to be read list. lol

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Date Posted: 5/17/2009 4:46 PM ET
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1) Southern Vampire (Charlaine Harris) - Pros: Nice world building and mythology.  Well written, complex characters.  I especially like how Harris has created a community of people.  Even minor characters have their own backstory which makes her world more believable to me.  The stories may revolve around Sookie but the world she lives in does not.   Cons: I don't really have any.  There are minor nitpicks I may have, but they are specific to individual books - not the series.

2) The Hollows (Kim Harrison) - Pros:  I really like the world building of this series and the way the author expands upon it with each book.  I like the characters and the way their relationships deepen and change.    Cons: Sometimes the heroine is a pain.  And the last book left me feeling like the author is stretching the series out in order to keep the series going longer.  I am wary that this may be the beginning of a down hill slide in the quality of the series. 

3) Dark Days (Jocelynn Drake) - Pros: Strong heroine, interesting world building, promising start to a new series.  Cons:  Don't really remember any but I have only read the first in the series.  Looking forward to the next book.

4) Anita Blake (Laurell K Hamilton) - Pros:  Early books were good.  Strong heroine, strong stories, interesting mix of mythologies and hot guys.  Cons:  Series becomes an odd mix of adolescent/mid-life crisis fantasies.  Heroine is now a Mary Sue with a magic hoo-ha.  Men cry way too much.  Books got longer, plots got shorter. The last of couple of books left this reader feeling bored.  No longer bother to read.  

5) Night Huntress (Jeaniene Frost) - Pros: Good world building, lots of kick ass adventure. Cons: Secondary characters are two dimensional, primarily defined by their ethnicity.  Left me feeling uncomfortable so I stopped reading the series after the first book.  (I wrote a review for PBS that goes into a little more detail.) 

6) Werecats (Rachel Vincent) - Pros: Interesting mythology, decent story.  Cons:  Heroine is whiny, immature, self involved princess.  Only read the first in the series.

7) The Sign of the Zodiac (Vicki Pettersson) - Pros:  Semi-interesting mix of supernatural/superhero/star wars myths.  Vegas setting was fun.  Cons:  Heroine is a Penthouse Barbie, Mary Sue, rebel, loner, no-one-understands-my-pain, savior of the world type.  Likes to make fun of her rival for not being feminine enough by referring to her as a man.  (Ha ha - hilarious!)   Stopped reading after first book.  Absolutely hated it.  Author is on my very short list of writers I will never read again.

Last Edited on: 5/17/09 4:49 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
jenni7202 avatar
Date Posted: 5/17/2009 8:23 PM ET
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Well, I haven't read much from the list but I will give my comments on the ones I have read ;)  The way you have them listed is actually the way I would rate them, and not only because it was the order of which I read them.

  1. Night Huntress Series - Jeaniene Frost  - This was the first paranormal series that I picked up, when only the first book was out at the time.  I fell in love with it!  Cat is a strong female character, and doesn't let the guys push her around, while Bones is just flat out sexy.  Not only were there great romantic scenes, but there is also some great action packed fighting scenes.  Good vampire, bad vampire.  Along with family drama and prejudice drama (which can also be categorized as family drama! lol).  I can't wait for the 4th book to come out.
  2. Werecats Series - Rachel Vincent - I started reading this shortly after I finished the first book in the Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost. I fell in love with this series too, probably because Faythe is an amazingly strong, and ambitious character.  She wants to be herself, and not have to follow in the footsteps of her pride, but that's not easy when you have daddy monitoring your every step of the way.  Her on again off again lover, Marc is also a great character, if not a little weak.  He's so head of heels in love with her that he'll wait for her to make her decisions about their relationship and lives together, even though she drags him along like a sick little puppy dog.  I'm anxiously awaiting the 4th in this series too.
  3. Anita Blake Series - Laurell K. Hamilton - I'm going to be reading book 7 of this series sometime soon, hopefully.  I've just recently gotten the next book in a whole bunch of series that I've been anticipating.  I love the Anita Blake series, despite what others have been saying about the books later in the series.  I love that there are so many different monsters in the series, ranging from vampires, shifters, goblins, trolls, and faeries.  I look forward to reading the rest of this series, regardless of whether they turn into erotica at one point or not, because I'm curious as to where the series will go.  I'm also excited about reading her Merry Gentry series.