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Topic: My reading blog

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FeliciaJ avatar
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Subject: My reading blog
Date Posted: 10/20/2007 8:46 PM ET
Member Since: 8/12/2005
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I decided to take the plunge and start my own reading blog.

I've only posted 3 times so far, but I promise I'll write more. The blog will feature a bunch of historical fiction plus whatever else I'm reading. Feel free to visit, comment or link!

P.S. In the first post (bottom of the page) I have two photos of part of my TBR pile. I counted 40 books I received from PBS on those shelves!

Last Edited on: 10/20/07 8:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
reader avatar
Date Posted: 10/20/2007 9:32 PM ET
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Thanks Felicia for shareing your Blog.

katknit avatar
Date Posted: 10/20/2007 10:24 PM ET
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I'll check your blog out. Here's mine:

FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/20/2007 11:58 PM ET
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Linda, you have such an eclectic blog! I'm working my way through the book reviews. I felt almost exactly the same way you did about Innocent Traitor and A Stolen Tongue.

I want to read your posts on the witchcraft persecutions, too.

juliW avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2007 8:25 AM ET
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I have a reading blog too! :)



Hugs! Juli

sassenach avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2007 3:41 PM ET
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Mine is Shhh I'm Reading.

I've got you guys all bookmarked!

FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2007 3:48 PM ET
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Wow, lots of bloggers here! I'll link to everyone.

mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/21/2007 5:05 PM ET
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Oooh, good blogs. I'll add to my Bloglines tomorrow (that's the computer I have set up to do it).  My blog is about life, which often includes books, but it's not a book review blog per

Last Edited on: 10/21/07 6:12 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
JeffersonsAmbrosia avatar
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Date Posted: 10/22/2007 4:40 AM ET
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Oh i have a blog too :D I just started it recently but add me add me :D i will be adding everyone soon as i get on my desktop

Last Edited on: 10/22/07 4:50 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/22/2007 9:12 AM ET
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This thread should be renamed "Our blogs." It's so much fun to look at everyone's pages! Now, to find time to actually read ...

MarciNYC avatar
Date Posted: 10/22/2007 3:37 PM ET
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Well, I've got a blog, but it's more about life and beading than reading, but due to some online harrassment, I've had to restrict readership.    Plus, I've got some idiot who decided to take my old blog URL ( which I cancelled/delete and revive it by posting my original text (but no photos) which is still cached by Google.  To quote Bugs Bunny, 'what a maroon!"

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 7:57 AM ET
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You guys have some great blogs! I've always wanted to start a reading blog, but never seem to have time for it.

Marci, I remember your old blog, but haven't seen the new one. Sorry your being bothered by maroons! :-) That is so weird. They added your text back to the blog and are pretending it is theirs???

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 8:02 AM ET
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Did anyone grab a notebook and pencil and then click to enlarge the photo's of Felicia's bookshelves to see if she'd found any books that you hadn't heard of?

Is that weird?! Okay, I may have done it. Maybe it is weird, but you never know; she may have had that one book that would have completed my entire reading experience. I had to look! :-)

FeliciaJ avatar
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Date Posted: 10/23/2007 12:25 PM ET
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So you didn't find any books on my shelf that would make your life meaningful? LOL!

You seem to be WAY ahead of me on historical-fiction reads!


achadamaia avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 2:36 AM ET
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Felicia, it looks beautiful!  Well done!

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 8:00 AM ET
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LOL Felicia! I don't know if it will make my life meaningful, but I did realize, after peeping at your shelves, that there was a C.J. Sansom book that I needed to add to my wishlist. I also didn't realize that the Cynthia Harrod Eagles books were being re-released in new trade paperbacks. All in all, it was a good peep for this peeping tom! :-)

When you guys are watching TV and there are bookshelves full of books in the scene, do you try to read the titles of the books?  Hmmm...maybe I'm a little sick!

mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 2:05 PM ET
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I work in Real Estate, and I look at people's bookshelves when I am showing houses. 

ALbookbugg avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 6:07 PM ET
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Mimi, I actually know someone else who's done the exact same thing. Well, if I'm sick, at least I'm not the only one. LOL

mimima avatar
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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 8:26 PM ET
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Whew! At least I'm not alone :)

sassenach avatar
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Date Posted: 10/27/2007 11:58 AM ET
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I do it too!  A friend sent me some photos of their new house, and the first thing I did was check out her bookshelves!