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Topic: Need Reading Mastery & Marie Carbo PLEASE HELP!

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Subject: Need Reading Mastery & Marie Carbo PLEASE HELP!
Date Posted: 10/17/2007 9:18 AM ET
Member Since: 6/29/2007
Posts: 526
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Hello all! My son's teacher is looking for Reading Mastery books and presentation materials (all levels). She is also in need of books on tape read by Marie Carbo. I'm willing to do a trade or even purchase these.

My son's teacher was a special education teacher for 25 years and got so fed up with No Child Left Behind, she decided to leave her teaching career and open a restaurant. One night, she sat straight up in the bed and had a vision of opening her own school with a pizzeria as a permanent fundraiser. She used every bit of her savings and cashed in her retirement, but she opened the pizzeria in late April-early May, and the school opened its doors in August. Now, those children who were "unteachable" are now learning with each one's learning style appropriately addressed. She is providing a quality education to those children who need it most. The pizzeria helps to subsidize tuition costs to make education affordable for us working class parents, too.

SInce she has put her heart and soul (and life savings) into opening the school, she is struggling to get the needed teaching materials. So, if you have any Reading Mastery or Marie Carbo items, PLEASE PM me!!

Thanks for your help!


PS--Here's the website for the school:

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Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 10/18/2007 9:54 AM ET
Member Since: 3/4/2007
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What an awesome idea!  I don't have the materials you're looking for, but I love the creative concept for funding the school.  Good luck to Our Neighborhood School.

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Date Posted: 10/28/2007 10:41 PM ET
Member Since: 6/29/2007
Posts: 526
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Thanks! His teacher really thinks outside the box and is working wonders with these children.

sandraf651 avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2007 9:39 PM ET
Member Since: 7/2/2007
Posts: 845
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Do you know how many books, etc she would need of the reading mastery materials? I would, of course, have to talk to some people at school, but we might be able to spare some if it's ok.