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Topic: Really Unusual Bad Boys - Who really wants it?

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Subject: Really Unusual Bad Boys - Who really wants it?
Date Posted: 11/6/2007 10:04 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2006
Posts: 568
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Hey gals.  I haven't been around the forums much lately, work is getting busier and busier.

I've got an advance uncorrected proof of Really Unusual Bad Boys. I was wanting to do a book ring, since there always seem to be quite a few wishers and fans of MJD.  But I don't have time these days.

Are there any volunteers to run the book ring?  Assuming the book doesn't get lost in the ring, it would be yours to keep.  It was a fun read, but not a keeper for me.  So far, the book is in pretty good condition. PM me if you are interested; I'll try to remember to check in here. 

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Date Posted: 11/6/2007 11:50 PM ET
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What is a book ring?  Like a game? I've read the book you mentioned and already sent it out.  Just wondering what you mean by a book ring.

bridget avatar
Date Posted: 11/7/2007 12:05 PM ET
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A book ring is a game.

Basically, a people sign up to read and pass on a book to the next person in line.  There's usually a time limit, like a week or two to read the book.  It works particularly well with highly sought after wishlist books, that people might not be able to get their hands on without a long wait.

I wanted to add that while this is an "uncorrected" proof, I didn't really find any more errors in it than the average romance that I've read.  So don't let that scare you away.

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Date Posted: 11/7/2007 4:10 PM ET
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I have PMd you.