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Topic: Rebecca York

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Kathy (kss) -
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Subject: Rebecca York
Date Posted: 10/14/2007 8:21 PM ET
Member Since: 5/30/2006
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Ive always followed her 43 Light Street gang. They are getting odder and odder but now she has a new moon series which I am loving. Its werewolf stories



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Date Posted: 10/14/2007 11:15 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 2/6/10 11:08 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Kathy (kss) -
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Date Posted: 10/18/2007 8:58 PM ET
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I think the first one was June 03. There is 7, I think. The next is next month



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Date Posted: 10/24/2007 10:10 AM ET
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I have read a few of the Moon Series and have several of her books in my TBR pile. I enjoyed the ones I did read and look forward to reading more from her.