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Topic: Need a reccomendation for a book about Lincoln

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patmat avatar
Subject: Need a reccomendation for a book about Lincoln
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 12:17 PM ET
Member Since: 12/8/2007
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I am looking for a good book about Abe Lincoln (not a dry textbook type!), especially one that covers Presidential years and has info about his murder. Thanks!

rockmom66 avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 12:42 PM ET
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Abraham Lincoln From Pioneer to President by EB Phillips

Tata avatar
Date Posted: 5/5/2009 1:01 PM ET
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Doris Kearns Goodwin has a new book out "Team of Rivals.  The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln."  It is a w/l book.

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Date Posted: 5/6/2009 7:00 PM ET
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I second Team of Rivals.  I'm reading it right now and enjoying it immensely.  I especially love how it uses biographical information about Lincoln's rivals to paint a picture of what it was that made Lincoln unique. 

Tata avatar
Date Posted: 5/6/2009 9:27 PM ET
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I have the book but haven't read it yet.  I have so many to read and I will need to put some time aside for that book.  It is big.

patmat avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 2:05 PM ET
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Thank you! I will definitely be looking into these 2 books.

boydheather17 avatar
Date Posted: 5/7/2009 4:04 PM ET
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I just downloaded this audio book from my library last night...maybe something to go on..

Lincoln : A Life of Purpose and Power by Richard J. Carwardine

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Kat (polbio) -
Date Posted: 5/8/2009 8:31 AM ET
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With Malice Toward None  by Steven Oates was an excellent book.