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Topic: Received bad book

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jas avatar
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Subject: Received bad book
Date Posted: 9/28/2007 4:23 PM ET
Member Since: 8/12/2006
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I was sent a book that was falling apart, with individual pages and a huge chunk of pages completely separated from the binding. I reported it received with a problem and PMed the sender to explain what was wrong with the book and ask for my credit back. It was well and tightly wrapped, along with another book that was in good condition, so I really don't think the post office is to blame.

In return, I got a hostile reply accusing ME of ruining it by my "handling" and saying she didn't like my tone (which was not rude at all, just matter of fact). I don't think I'll be getting my credit for the book, even though it arrived in several pieces.

I'm going to report this to R&R, because this is not cool. I have a very good PBS history, both as a sender and as a receiver, so I hope they'll take that into account.

Edited to add: It's reported. I'll never see that credit again, but that's not the point. I just want people to follow the rules.

Last Edited on: 9/28/07 4:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 5:06 PM ET
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Jessica, you handled things exactly right. I've been very fortunate so far in the books I've received here, only a couple out of over 900 received that I have had to report as received with a problem and in both cases it was a new person who just didn't know and I willingly cut them some slack and did a bit of education about the site, where to find help, what's acceptable condition, etc. One of the new people even returned my credit several weeks later after she'd accumulated a few--which was very nice of her and which I told her she didn't have to do as I've got plenty of credits these days. There ARE some wonderful folks out there!

You're right in that you probably will never see your credit from that person, but you DID report the bad book and you DID ask for your credit you did what you were supposed to do. Now R&R have the person in their sights and if they are in the habit of sending lousy books and get enough complaints, they won't be members here for long. Only by reporting this stuff can we weed out the bad traders. It's the simplest thing in the world to sit and complain about a crappy book and not report it or do anything about it. And it's not an easy thing to confront someone who's sent a book that didn't meet guidelines, so kudos to you for doing so! BTW, I did buddy you a credit too. Enjoy it! :)


jas avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 5:20 PM ET
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I was leery of confronting her, but this wasn't a borderline situation.

I have received 495 acceptable books and only had to report 7 damaged by sender, so it's not like I make a habit of complaining about books and asking for my credits back.

Thanks so much for the credit, but I would like to return it to you because I have a lot of credits. I really do appreciate it, though! It makes me feel a little less down about having such an unpleasant interaction. Most PBS people are great and do the right thing. :D

DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 7:10 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 10/19/09 9:44 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Sleepy26177 avatar
Date Posted: 9/28/2007 8:15 PM ET
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Jessica, I am sorry that happened to you. :-(

So far I have been very lucky that I did not have to bother with rude replies if something like this happened to me but I´ve read a lot about that in the forums. Since reading all that, the first thing I do is to write to the person and if they get rude I mark the book received with a problem and will definitely send a copy of my and their message with it.

I also noticed that a lot of people can´t handle matter of fact speaking/writing or they missinterpret you as being rude but as you, I am a person that speaks and writes like this without being rude from my point of view rude. Then again I always overthink before I send something. ;-)

I am often misstaken as being rude but that´s how I am and that´s how we speak from were I come from. Directly and to the point.



Susanaque avatar
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Date Posted: 9/28/2007 11:46 PM ET
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I had to check the records...but i have received 153 books with  0 books having to be reported as unpostable.....knock on wood. I hope my luck holds!!  You did exactly right and you probably won't see that credit again.

Bravescatz avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 12:55 AM ET
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More and more are coming to me in bad shape. Follow the rules or stop sending books.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 11:20 AM ET
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There are no bad books.  Only bad book owners ;)

grendelynn avatar
Date Posted: 9/29/2007 11:22 AM ET
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I'm sorry the sender wasn't willing to work with you.  I hate when that happens.



ishmael avatar
Date Posted: 9/30/2007 11:55 AM ET
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How does one give back a credit?  I'm just curious....



DuskyRose avatar
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Date Posted: 9/30/2007 12:05 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 10/19/09 9:43 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
lilynlilac avatar
Date Posted: 9/30/2007 12:14 PM ET
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That really stinks.  Over the summer I received my first book that I had to report as received with a problem.  It was a hardcover and the binding was so loose that the front and back covers were separated.  I pm'd the sender just stating the book was sent with a problem and I explained how it arrived.  I thought maybe she'd offer to refund my credit.  The reply I got was, "Super!  Hope you enjoy the book!"   Argh.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 9/30/2007 12:26 PM ET
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I just had this happen to me - got a book {wrapped in saran wrap too} that reeked of smoke and mold.

I pm'd the sender, who proceeded to say send it back if you want your credit back! Mty conditions are listed and very clear

"Please no books that strongly smell of Smoke or that smell of mold without checking with me first. PLEASE CHECK WITH ME - as I often will accept books in this condition if it's something I've had trouble getting!"

I'm not shipping the book back to get my credit - that would be like paying for the book twice IMHO. I can de-smoke it, but in the mean time myself and my Daughter will be having constant asthma attacks because I opened it in the house {which I don't do for smoky books.


missa avatar
Date Posted: 9/30/2007 10:33 PM ET
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I started reading one that I received a few weeks ago.  there was a corner cut from the back (not too bad), it doesn't affect the reading of the book.  When I started reading it last night, I noticed, through half of the book, there are sentences, phrases, or even whole paragraphs circled.  Completly distracts you when trying to read it.  So now I have a book that I can't repost-all because someone else didn't follow the rules about posting books

junie avatar
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Date Posted: 10/1/2007 12:26 AM ET
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You know, there has been so many complaints lately about bad books being received, I am so leary about ordering from FIFO that I will go out of my way to check bookshelves of all of us in the forums and try to find a book that way.  Or post what I want in the Book Bazaar!  

I trust the people that post here and know they will send out postable books.  When I first joined, I received 2 very bad books; one I had to throw away because it was so gross, I didn't want to touch it.  The other one was falling apart; pages loose and binding breaking. I didn't know enough to complain or mark with a problem.  Luckily I don't order many books yet because I have my Mountain TBR and didn't want to add to it because it will topple over!!   So, my credits have been piling up and that's a good thing too!

I'm just rambling away; it just makes me soooo mad; I send out books in great condition. If there is the slightest thing I don't like about the book, I'll offer it free!




jas avatar
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Date Posted: 10/1/2007 12:24 PM ET
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Junie, I have received almost 500 books in acceptable condition, and only a handful that were unpostable, so I don't see any reason to fear FIFO. No one posts about all the books that arrive on time and in good condition, but the vast majority of books do.

R&R replied to my feedback about the hostile sender who accused me of ruining the book and refused to return my credit. Apparently the sender doesn't have any previous black marks (but she has one now, obviously).

So maybe she was just having a terrible day and decided to take it out on me for daring to complain about an unpostable book. *shrug*

MeadowbrookManor avatar
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Date Posted: 10/1/2007 1:42 PM ET
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June - I wouldn't worry too much about what you hear about in the forums; the myriad (and far more numerous) painless transactions never get talked about! It's rarely anything but problems that need to be discussed, so it makes it sound far, far worse than reality.

mahbaar avatar
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Date Posted: 10/1/2007 3:57 PM ET
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I'll ditto that. For all those transactions that go smoothly, what's there to discuss? :)