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Topic: Not receiving PBS-Librarian e-mails any more.

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Janjunebug avatar
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Subject: Not receiving PBS-Librarian e-mails any more.
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 8:19 AM ET
Member Since: 7/24/2005
Posts: 359
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For some reason which I cannot pinpoint, I no longer receive my Daily Wishlist Digest from the PBS Librarian.  Also, I no longer receive the e-mails that tell me when my PBS-DC book has been accepted by USPS and I've been given a credit for mailing with PBS-DC.  I DO get the credit however.  Under the tab Club Communications, those daily e-mails from PBS are listed there, but I never receive them.  This started about a week ago.

I have NOT changed any settings.  In fact, I looked at my Settings to make sure they were still in place - and they are.

I've not made any changes in my computer functions; I'm still using Outlook Express and Internet Explorer as I have since I joined PBS two years ago.

Any ideas or suggestions?



Spuddie avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 8:33 AM ET
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Could it be that your ISP or whatever e-mail provider you use has classified the e-mails from the PBS Librarian as Spam? I had that happen awhile back--no changes in any settings or anything, but suddenly Yahoo started putting mail from PBS into the bulk folder where the Spam goes, and I noticed it does still happen periodically. I have to open the e-mail, click on the "not spam" button and then service resumes. If you don't use a webmail account like Yahoo or gmail, contact your ISP about it. If the e-mails are in your Club Communications, then PBS is sending as usual and the problem must be on your e-mail account's end, whatever the reason might be.


icesk8tr avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 9:42 AM ET
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I agree with what Cheryl said.

The first thing I would do is check the Club Communications to see if the messages are there. If they are, then your PBS settings are fine.

The next thing I would check is if the messages are being blocked as SPAM.


MikeNRobsMom avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 11:42 AM ET
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I have noticed that I have not been getting e-mails either.  I did get an e-mail a couple of days ago letting me know I hae a PM but that is about it.  I have had several PM's since then as well as a WL book becoming available.  It is a good thing I check OBS throughout the day. 

So far, it does not appear that my e-mails are not coming through because of a spam blocker.

CozSnShine avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 11:47 AM ET
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Normally I have dozens of emails from PBS about PM's and "watched" topics.   Last 4-5 days I've gotten the digest email and emails about books I've ordered, but nothing else.   This happened to me once before, then one day ALL those emails hit my inbox and filled it!  lol   Am not sure what's happening with the email situation, but it's weird.

Cathy avatar
Cathy A. (Cathy) - ,
Date Posted: 7/23/2007 12:52 PM ET
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Emails can get queued up by the outbound or inbound servers. If you see them under Club Communications they went out o.k. and the problem is on the inbound side.

Janjunebug avatar
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Date Posted: 7/23/2007 3:06 PM ET
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This strange thing is that I just now received a request from the PBS Librarian to mail a book I had posted, and that PBS e-mail came through to me just fine!  And I've not done anything;; i. e., changed settings, checked spam filters, etc. 

No rhyme or reason to it.  Maybe it's okay now?  If I get the Daily Wishlist tomorrow morning, then I'll know there's no longer a problem. 

Thanks for the suggestions.  If there are more problems, I'll check to see if the PBS messages are being blocked as Spam.


Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/24/2007 2:20 PM ET
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Add me as one more.  I've check my spam filter, and they're not there.  This morning one made it through, apparently a third notification that a book had been requested.  The daily digest comes through without fail, but going into club communications there are at least five others that have disappeared into the ether.


Janjunebug avatar
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Date Posted: 7/24/2007 3:27 PM ET
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Nope, no Daily Wish list again this morning.  I'm off to check my spam filter.  But if that's the problem, why would some Club Communications reach me and others - such as Daily Wish List - do not.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 7/25/2007 7:34 AM ET
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I have been having the same problem.  I have come to the site only to find I have a book request I did not know about.